2019-02-12 8:11 AM
I am working on one of the example projects that is provided as part of USB-PD software expansion, by using SW4STM32 toolchain. I am using TCPM-TCPC architecture. During initialisation i am having errors for PE_Init. Does anyone have followed a similar topology and can help me on how to tackle with this problem? Thanks.
2019-04-04 1:50 AM
Could you please precise the version of the expansion package you are using?
Do you just have an error of PE_Init or is it a timeout to initialize the TCPC component?
Normal stack calling of expansion package STM32CubeExpansion_USBPD_F0_V2.1.0:
HAL_I2C_Mem_Read() at stm32f0xx_hal_i2c.c:1 884 0x800985c
USBPD_TCPCI_ReadRegister() at usbpd_tcpci.c:606 0x8008f9e
fusb305_tcpc_get_power_status() at fusb305.c:909 0x800801c
fusb305_tcpc_init() at fusb305.c:326 0x8008166
USBPD_PHY_Init() at 0x8005b50
USBPD_PRL_Init() at 0x8004d82
USBPD_PE_Init() at 0x8000186
USBPD_DPM_Init() at usbpd_dpm_core.c:292 0x8009c40
main() at main.c:83 0x8007320
2019-04-04 1:56 AM
Hey Yohann,
I have fixed the problem. I have been using F0.V2.1.0; it was actually during the initialisation of TCPC component. now fixed. Indeed thanks for your response. I will contact promptly if there are other issues. Regards,
2019-04-24 3:14 AM
hey Yohann,
I have recently a USPD_MALLOCERROR from the initialisation function of USBPD_TCPM_HWInit function; that initialises the TCPC. What can be the reason for the malloc error in this function? and what can be the solutions?
2019-04-24 4:31 AM