2013-12-29 8:48 AM
I'm in a process of trying to write an USB Host CDC program (Full Speed only).
This is my first encounter with USB-internals and STM32-chips.I still haven't figured out what should go into which file / directory or what interrupt to use for waking the end point data transfer code to check whether there is something to move or not.It's hard to follow the examples without knowing where the actions get initiated.I don't have much time, and the right stuff is hard to find in the documents (the library and chip).The files whose contents I'm wondering especially about, are:...\STM32_USB_HOST_Library\Class\CDC\inc\usbh_cdc_core.h...\STM32_USB_HOST_Library\Class\CDC\src\usbh_cdc_core.c...\USB_Host_Examples\CDC\inc\usbh_usr.h...\USB_Host_Examples\CDC\src\usbh_usr.c(maybe some other VCP-files?)I have been trying to put the SW together by editing the MSC example looking into VCP-device example on the side.I understand that in the device example it's periodic transfer interrupt that is used for triggering the ''situation check'' for USB EP transfers, while RS-side minds its own business using rx/tx interrupts?That is: what is supposed to be the interface to the library, and what should be left in the application side. The catch is that I shoud add a protocol (in between the USB and Serial) later when I get the raw bytes flowing through. I'm using STM3240G-EVAL.At the moment I'm using Eclipse, but the stuff should eventually be brought into a commercial IDE.(Quite a lot of work putting together an Eclipse project...) #usb #fs2014-01-13 7:45 AM
Maybe this is stupid, but I thought it would be nice to notify about any progress...
is sent and a sensible response received.80000002
00000034000000000000000000000001000000000000000100000000000000010000062c0000000000000000000000002014-01-14 1:32 AM
Now I send the init-message until I get OK and then start requesting the response (until OK),
Is that the way with control messages?How about the data?And where does the interrupt transfers come into play?Then there are the status polling and alive. How?(Control messages, I think.)Anything else I should be taken into account?[edit]I started a new thread about receiving data:[DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib%20-%20receiving&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D7580009C4E14902C3CDE46A77F0FFD06506F5B¤tviews=1]https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=%2fpublic%2fSTe2ecommunities%2fmcu%2fLists%2fcortex_mx_stm32%2fSTM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib%20-%20receiving&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D7580009C4E14902C3CDE46A77F0FFD06506F5B¤tviews=1I guess this thread is quite long - especially when it's title has become somewhat misleading.2014-01-14 6:36 AM
> Now I send the init-message until I get OK and then start requesting the response (until OK),
> Is that the way with control messages?
> And where does the interrupt transfers come into play? The sequence of ''control'' message exchange (for example, REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_MSG - REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_CMPLT) is as follows, 1) Above USBH_RNDIS_Send_Encapsulated_Commnad() should be repeatedly called, with REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_MSG block on the buffer, until it returns USBH_OK. The first call of USBH_RNDIS_Send_Encapsulated_Commnad() (ie. USBH_CtlReq()) registers SETUP transaction of the Control transfer to the stack. The second and latter calls wait for completion of this Control transfer. The stack supposes repeated calls, though it isn't smart. 2) When USBH_RNDIS_Send_Encapsulated_Commnad() completes, interrupt IN transfer starts to get 8 bytes RESPONSE_AVAILABLE notification. 3) After receiving RESPONSE_AVAILABLE, USBH_RNDIS_Get_Encapsulated_Response() is also repeatedly called for USBH_OK, like USBH_RNDIS_Send_Encapsulated_Commnad(). USB RNDIS Control Channel Characteristics
> Anything else I should be taken into account? After the ST host stack finishes enumeration (until Set_Config), the stack (ie. USBH_Process() in the main loop) repeatedly calls ''Requests'' callback of the class object (USBH_MSC_ClassRequest() of MSC host). ''Requests'' callback initializes the target device. Until the initialization finishes, the callback returns USBH_BUSY, to get another call from the stack. When the initialization finishes, the callback returns USBH_OK. And then, the stack moves to ''Machine'' (USBH_MSC_Handle() of MSC host) callback. In this callback, the body of the class-specific behavior comes. For RNDIS implementation, ''Requests'' callback Exchange these least set of messages - REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_MSG : initialize RNDIS interface - REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_MSG - OID_GEN_SUPPORTED_LIST : check supported OIDs - REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_MSG - OID_GEN_MAXIMUM_FRAME_SIZE : get max Ethernet frame size - REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_MSG - OID_802_3_CURRENT_ADDRESS : get current MAC address - REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_MSG - OID_GEN_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATUS : confirm connected - REMOTE_NDIS_SET_MSG - OID_GEN_CURRENT_PACKET_FILTER : set up packet filter ''Machine'' callback - exchange Ethernet frames (without preemble) over the bulk IN/OUT endpoint, with REMOTE_NDIS_PACKET_MSG header - Poll the status of the link periodically using, - - REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_MSG - OID_GEN_LINK_SPEED - - REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_MSG - OID_GEN_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATUS Tsuneo2014-01-14 6:51 AM
2014-01-14 7:26 AM
A-ha. With the response in the other thread, I guess most of the stuff got quite clear.
(except the data/bulk IN, but I suppose it's done pretty much in the similar way - polling a state. That I'll probably find in the example codes.)Another trainload of thanks. I think I got it, and if not, I'll ask.Do you close these threads in any way? Or do I just add ''[SOLVED]'' in the title?2015-10-19 5:59 AM
Hi all.
I need
driver for
for connection to
I'm trying
the example
I added
in function:
USB_WritePacket and
function (
is called from
I am trying to send
the write data buffer
static USBH_StatusTypeDef GetLineCoding(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, CDC_LineCodingTypeDef *linecoding)
static uint8_t buf[24] = { 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 };
// phost->Control.setup.b.bmRequestType = USB_D2H | USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS | \
// phost->Control.setup.b.bRequest = CDC_GET_LINE_CODING;
// phost->Control.setup.b.wValue.w = 0;
// phost->Control.setup.b.wIndex.w = 0;
// phost->Control.setup.b.wLength.w = LINE_CODING_STRUCTURE_SIZE;
phost->Control.setup.b.bmRequestType = USB_H2D | USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS | \
phost->Control.setup.b.bRequest = CDC_SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND;
phost->Control.setup.b.wValue.w = 0;
phost->Control.setup.b.wIndex.w = 0;
phost->Control.setup.b.wLength.w = 0x18;
return USBH_CtlReq(phost, buf, sizeof(buf));
In my log,
one package
length of
24 bytes
instead of the expected
8 bytes
As a result
in the function
takes the value
How to make
sent packages
to 8
Help me please. My log:USB Device Attached
Tx ( 8):>> 80 06 00 01 00 00 08 00
Rx ( 8): 12 01 00 02 02 02 00 08
Tx ( 8):>> 80 06 00 01 00 00 12 00
Rx ( 8): 12 01 00 02 02 02 00 08
Rx ( 8): AD 0C 21 10 00 01 01 02
Rx ( 2): 03 01
PID: 1021h
VID: cadh
Tx ( 8):>> 00 05 01 00 00 00 00 00
Address (#1) assigned.
Tx ( 8):>> 80 06 00 02 00 00 09 00
Rx ( 8): 09 02 43 00 02 01 00 C0
Rx ( 1): 02
Tx ( 8):>> 80 06 00 02 00 00 43 00
Rx ( 8): 09 02 43 00 02 01 00 C0
Rx ( 8): 02 09 04 00 00 01 02 02
Rx ( 8): FF 00 05 24 00 10 01 05
Rx ( 8): 24 01 00 00 04 24 02 00
Rx ( 8): 05 24 06 00 01 07 05 81
Rx ( 8): 03 08 00 01 09 04 01 00
Rx ( 8): 02 0A 00 00 00 07 05 03
Rx ( 8): 02 40 00 00 07 05 82 02
Rx ( 3): 40 00 00
Tx ( 8):>> 80 06 01 03 09 04 FF 00
Rx ( 8): 3E 03 4D 00 6F 00 74 00
Rx ( 8): 6F 00 72 00 6F 00 6C 00
Rx ( 8): 61 00 20 00 53 00 6F 00
Rx ( 8): 6C 00 75 00 74 00 69 00
Rx ( 8): 6F 00 6E 00 73 00 20 00
Rx ( 8): 43 00 6F 00 72 00 70 00
Rx ( 8): 6F 00 72 00 61 00 74 00
Rx ( 6): 69 00 6F 00 6E 00
Manufacturer : Motorola Solutions Corporation
Tx ( 8):>> 80 06 02 03 09 04 FF 00
Rx ( 8): 3C 03 4D 00 6F 00 74 00
Rx ( 8): 6F 00 72 00 6F 00 6C 00
Rx ( 8): 61 00 20 00 53 00 6F 00
Rx ( 8): 6C 00 75 00 74 00 69 00
Rx ( 8): 6F 00 6E 00 73 00 20 00
Rx ( 8): 4C 00 54 00 44 00 20 00
Rx ( 8): 44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00
Rx ( 4): 63 00 65 00
Product : Motorola Solutions LTD Device
Tx ( 8):>> 80 06 03 03 09 04 FF 00
Rx ( 8): 16 03 30 00 33 00 38 00
Rx ( 8): 54 00 4E 00 41 00 39 00
Rx ( 6): 34 00 32 00 34 00
Serial Number : 038TNA9424
Enumeration done.
This device has only 1 configuration.
Tx ( 8):>> 00 09 01 00 00 00 00 00
Default configuration set.
Switching to Interface (#0)
Class : 2h
SubClass : 2h
Protocol : ffh
RNDIS class started.
Tx ( 8):>> 21 00 00 00 00 00 18 00
Tx ( 24):>> 02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00
Tx ( 24):>> 02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00
Tx ( 24):>> 02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00
2015-10-26 5:23 AM
another Board
I made a
the messages in
the log.
Here is what
it receives from
E0 st:0x88804 Stp [ Rx: 21 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 ] NewReq sEnc Read0(24)
E0 st:0x88002 Rd 8 [ Rd: 02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 ]
E0 st:0x88802 Rd 8 [ Rd: 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ]
E0 st:0x88002 Rd 8 [ Rd:
02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00
instead of the expected
02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00
02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00
in red
I marked
the wrong data
As you can see incorrect data, repeats the first 8 bytes of the packet.2015-11-06 12:48 AM
Hi !
If in debug mode, execute step by step this code (line
HAL_StatusTypeDef USB_WritePacket(USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef *USBx, uint8_t *src, uint8_t ch_ep_num, uint16_t len, uint8_t dma)
uint32_t count32b= 0 , i= 0;
if (dma == 0)
count32b = (len + 3) / 4;
for (i = 0; i < count32b; i++, src += 4)
USBx_DFIFO(ch_ep_num) = *((__packed uint32_t *)src);
return HAL_OK;
then everything is working correctly!
How to make it work in run mode?
2016-03-22 1:26 PM
Hi Novikov.Valerri,
You succeeded in running the STM32 with Motorola radio?I'm new in ARM technology, and would also like to communicate with the Motorola radio ... it is possible?