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STM32 Nucleo-u5a5zj USB host

Associate II

I have a Nucleo-u5a5zj board and I want to connect a NewLand FM430 scanner that works as a virtual COM port. In the example, I only saw the USB CDC ACM device, but I only need the configuration for the host. Can you give me more explanation of what I should do? I tried using sources from other examples like USBX USB_HOST_CDC_ACM for STM32H7 and didn't get good results. Maybe someone can find me an example of how I can get a USB host in this configuration. Early thanks.

PS. I am trying to use AzureRTOS (ThreadX) and USBX

Chief II

Maybe look at Tomasz USB host on Nucleo-u5a5 , how to do;  and adapt for CDC .

USB-C Host with MSC

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What should I do to adapt for CDC?

Associate III

Hi @GhostVVS

Can you please enumerate your device with windows and share with us the descriptor of your device to see exactly what class and other informations to help you.

I recommande your thesycon tools or an usb analyzer.


I don't use Windows.

and didn't get good results

What you got ? 

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Do, do you have an USB trace that you can share with us or more information?? 

Nothing worked as I planned) I connected the scanner which is a VCP device and after trying to read the code it should return a ribbon with a link to the site (this is how it works when I connect it to a PC and open a connection in a terminal program). I thought that probably not everything is so simple and you can't just use the sources from the example for the host on the H7 series microcontroller