2020-03-26 9:48 AM
Hello ,
I am trying to implement PTP (IEEE1588) on stm32f107 I have used this code for reference
"https://github.com/mpthompson/stm32_f4_ptpd" and ported it to stm32f107
Now, Everything works fine if Time stamp register bit 0 is set to "0" ,i.e..
I can see the sync and announce packets in wireshark and the program is running with 0 timestamps , below attached is the debug2 for reference.
if Time stamp register bit 0 is set to "1" program halts with hardfault. with below debug 1 and attached is the image of what fault analyzer has to say.
Thanks For helping ....
Debug 1
(D 0.001348318) event POWER UP
(D 0.002258042) leaving state PTP_INITIALIZING
(D 0.003519519) entering state PTP_INITIALIZING
(D 0.004792008) manufacturerIdentity: PTPd;2.0.1
(D 0.006093251) netShutdown
Assertion "igmp_leavegroup: attempt to leave non-multicast address" failed at line 551 in ../Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/src/core/ipv4/igmp.c
(D 0.010608396) netInit
(D 0.011315183) initData
(V) initData: EUI48toEUI64
(D 0.012704188) initTimer
(D 0.013452584) initClock
(d 0.014147498) adjFreq 0
(d 0.014854946) bmc: m1
(D 0.015507389) leaving state PTP_INITIALIZING
(D 0.016767384) entering state PTP_LISTENING
(d 0.017966648) timerStart: set timer 3 to 3000
Problem: Success
Debug 2
D 0.000000000) event POWER UP
(D 0.000000000) leaving state PTP_INITIALIZING
(D 0.000000000) entering state PTP_INITIALIZING
(D 0.000000000) manufacturerIdentity: PTPd;2.0.1
(D 0.000000000) netShutdown
Assertion "igmp_leavegroup: attempt to leave non-multicast address" failed at li ne 551 in ../Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/src/core/ipv4/igmp.c
(D 0.000000000) netInit
(D 0.000000000) initData
(V) initData: EUI48toEUI64
(D 0.000000000) initTimer
(D 0.000000000) initClock
(d 0.000000000) adjFreq 0
(d 0.000000000) bmc: m1
(D 0.000000000) leaving state PTP_INITIALIZING
(D 0.000000000) entering state PTP_LISTENING
(d 0.000000000) timerStart: set timer 3 to 3000
(d 0.000000000) timerExpired: timer 3 expired
(d 0.000000000) bmc: m1
(d 0.000000000) recommending state PTP_MASTER
(D 0.000000000) leaving state PTP_LISTENING
(D 0.000000000) initClock
(d 0.000000000) adjFreq 0
(d 0.000000000) timerStop: stop timer 3
(D 0.000000000) entering state PTP_MASTER
(d 0.000000000) timerStart: set timer 2 to 1000
(D 0.000000000) SYNC INTERVAL TIMER : 1000
(d 0.000000000) timerStart: set timer 4 to 1000
(d 0.000000000) timerExpired: timer 2 expired
(d 0.000000000) event SYNC_INTERVAL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRES for state PTP_MASTER
(d 0.000000000) netSend: 0 sec 0 nsec
(d 0.000000000) issueSync
(d 0.000000000) timerExpired: timer 4 expired
(d 0.000000000) netSend
(d 0.000000000) issueAnnounce
(d 0.000000000) timerExpired: timer 2 expired
(d 0.000000000) event SYNC_INTERVAL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRES for state PTP_MASTER
(d 0.000000000) netSend: 0 sec 0 nsec
(d 0.000000000) issueSync
(d 0.000000000) timerExpired: timer 4 expired
(d 0.000000000) netSend
(d 0.000000000) issueAnnounce
(d 0.000000000) timerExpired: timer 2 expired
(d 0.000000000) event SYNC_INTERVAL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRES for state PTP_MASTER
(d 0.000000000) netSend: 0 sec 0 nsec
(d 0.000000000) issueSync
2020-03-26 11:11 AM
Got to look at the faulting code.
Presumably your code faulting, not the stuff on github.
Do you have the IRQHandler set up an named properly for your platform, check stm32f1xx_it.c
2020-03-26 11:32 AM
Hello Clive,
ETH_PTPTSCR is the register of which bit 0 is :
[image: image.png]
To my knowledge, it is not generating any interrupt and thus I don't
need IRQHandler
set up.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks & Regards,
2020-03-26 11:36 AM
Hello Clive,
I am using stm32cubeIDE generated code with FreeRTOS(CMSIS V2) and LWIP.
Third line here is what is causing hardfault.
static void ETH_PTPStart(uint32_t UpdateMethod)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Mask the Time stamp trigger interrupt by setting bit 9 in the MACIMR register. */
/* Program Time stamp register bit 0 to enable time stamping. */
ETH_PTPTimeStampCmd(ENABLE); // if Uncommented hardfault occurs
//heth.Instance->PTPTSCR |= ETH_PTPTSCR_TSE ;
/* Program the Subsecond increment register based on the PTP clock frequency. */
ETH_SetPTPSubSecondIncrement(ADJ_FREQ_BASE_INCREMENT); /* to achieve 20 ns accuracy, the value is ~ 43 */
if (UpdateMethod == ETH_PTP_FineUpdate)
/* If you are using the Fine correction method, program the Time stamp addend register
* and set Time stamp control register bit 5 (addend register update). */
/* Poll the Time stamp control register until bit 5 is cleared. */
while(ETH_GetPTPFlagStatus(ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSARU) == SET);
/* To select the Fine correction method (if required),
* program Time stamp control register bit 1. */
/* Program the Time stamp high update and Time stamp low update registers
* with the appropriate time value. */
ETH_SetPTPTimeStampUpdate(ETH_PTP_PositiveTime, 0, 0);
/* Set Time stamp control register bit 2 (Time stamp init). */
/* The enhanced descriptor format is enabled and the descriptor size is
* increased to 32 bytes (8 DWORDS). This is required when time stamping
* is activated above. */
/* The Time stamp counter starts operation as soon as it is initialized
* with the value written in the Time stamp update register. */
2020-03-26 1:41 PM
The PC/LR values in your prior post don't look valid/helpful.
Hard to diagnose with info presented. Might want to check the stack sizes, or try without the RTOS.
You need a proper Hard Fault Handler, and you need to look at the offending assembler instructions and processor registers.
2020-03-26 1:45 PM
See routines here that can provide more actionable data
You then need to disassemble the failing code, or make a determination if the failure flags on more random locations.
2020-03-31 4:35 AM
Looks like ethernet driver is the problem.
Is there a working HAL_ETH driver for PTP applications for STM32f107 ?
2020-04-01 5:22 AM
> To my knowledge, it is not generating any interrupt and thus I don't need IRQHandler set up.
Look carefully at ETH_MACIMR register's reset state and bit description. Read more on this specific problem here:
And overall on all Ethernet related problems here:
P.S. Receiving with polling is a really poor design.