2020-06-01 9:14 AM
I am unable to update the firmware, and the default url
I could not find a new version anywhere on ST or AMZ webs.
Step 3.2 of the Getting Started instructions fails
2020-06-01 10:34 AM
That's an address on YOUR local network
Surely the firmware is here?
The page for the product indicates http://www.st.com/x-cube-aws and that forwards there.
Has binary and hex firmware images you can presumably download via the on-board ST-LINK
2020-06-01 12:26 PM
I could not find it there. Actually I'm really struggling to get anything to work on the Discovery kit.
How do I find the Mac address of the board? And the server url generated under "Getting started with AWS IoT" is dfferent from the one assumed in AWS dashboard
2020-06-01 12:53 PM
I applied the Inventek ISM 43362 Wi-Fi module firmware update, now my board is not reacting anymore.
What should I do now and where can I get the updated B-L475E-IOT01_Cloud_AWS.sim?
2020-06-03 12:33 AM
Where did you find this address ?
usually the firmware files end with .bin or .hex. Not .sim.
There is also the .sfb files that are used with the Remote Firmware Update function. Is that what you are trying to do ? You need to have a web server where you put the .sfb file so that the B-L475E-IOT01 board is able to download it via network.
There is one case where a .sim file is used: in IAR EWARM compiler project when the project is incorrectly configured to use simulator instead of real device. But if you have original project files from X-CUBE-AWS it should not happen.
2020-06-04 1:35 PM
2020-06-04 1:49 PM
>>"Step 3.2 of the Getting Started instructions fails"
Link to the document you're referring too
Presumably it expects some TFTP server or something on your network to serve it up. Or you to provide a name for the resource a you've provided it on your network.
Just use the ST-LINK to update with the .bin or .hex
2020-06-04 2:31 PM
Attached is a photo. The steps are written on the back of the packaging of the device:
STM32 Discovery kit IoT node for STM32L475 MCU
Next I tried the following under X-CUBE-AWS:
I managed to log into AWS as an IAM
2. Create a group, for example IoTDev. The AWSIoTFullAccess existing policy can be attached to this group
-> Which group? Resource Group or Things Group?
under both it is not possiible to set AWSIoTFullAccess
Obviously I did not try the remaining steps.
2020-06-05 12:37 AM
The document you are referring to is the manual for X-CUBE-AWS software package.
From the screenshot I suspect you are not using the X-CUBE-AWS software. The displayed text does not correspond to what is inside the current version of X-CUBE-AWS. Normally there's no ".sim" file, no "bank1" and "bank2" mention.
Where did you get the firmware ? was it already flashed like this on the board ?
to get the actual version of X-CUBE-AWS : https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/embedded-software/mcu-mpu-embedded-software/stm32-embedded-software/stm32cube-expansion-packages/x-cube-aws.html#get-software
note: click directly on "Get Software" button. Don't select old version.
2020-06-06 3:31 AM
Hello Guillaume,
thanks for your support. I have given up on the AWS Getting Started example, and started coding little projects, with which I have had much more success. I do not intend using AWS anyway, but rather Watson IoT. I suggest that ST leaves out this Getting Started AWS example in the packaging, b/c it is very frustrating when it fails, and creates a negative initial impression, which is not warranted given the quality of ST products.