2017-04-11 5:32 AM
I would like to perform a standby mode at the start of my microcontroller and return to normal mode with RTC Alarm A.
But for now I can't find a reliable documentation or example to get a result.
I work with CubMx and keil and STM32L031K6
Thank you for your reply.
#rtc #rtc-hal #stm32l031 #hal2017-04-11 5:51 AM
,Please refer to the following example under the STM32cubeL0 package:
This example shows how to enter the system in STANDBY mode and wake-up from this mode using external RESET or RTC Wake-up Timer.
2017-04-11 9:07 AM
Thank you nesrine for your answer,
But in this project the led blinks due to the Systick but I would like to check that every time there is a Wakeup the LED lights up and goes off at the next WakeUp how I can do?
Do I have to include the callback function of WakeUp as the StopMode examples.
Thank you very much.