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ST32F103ZE Uart Interrupt problem

Posted on March 09, 2015 at 21:43

I am communicating in/out a USB - via UART5 Serial port. I also have another device connected to the AtoD port. I can run either alone fine, but once I plug in the AtoD device after a varying amount of time the code hangs in the UART5_IRQHandler, where USART_GetITStatus(UART5, USART_IT_RXNE)  is always = to RESET.

Each device is, to the best I can tell, completely independent as far as the code is concerned, so, I don't see a way that they could be interfering with each other.

Let me know if anyone has seen / solved this problem.



#uart #hal #stm32f0
Posted on March 09, 2015 at 23:49

Hard to know, not sure what pins or ADC pin/channel involved here. Any chance you can post a complete/concise example demonstrating the failure?

Make sure you have the right startup file. Double check you aren't getting any framing or parity type errors. Reading the data register should clear those, although why you'd get stuck in the IRQ is unclear. Check there isn't some confusion with IT vs FLAGS.

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