2023-01-20 1:57 PM
Does ST manufacturer a chip that allows integration into a project which provides USB to SWD for the additional ST32 chips? I would like to remove the need for an external programmer and just be able to add a preconfigured USB to SWD SW-Link bridge into a custom program. I guess I am looking for something similar to what ESP32 is now doing. The new EPS32 system has fabric built into the chip which provides direct SWD through the USB interface therefore removing the need for a programming header and external programmer.
2023-01-20 2:08 PM
No, but the bootloader in the "system" flash in some models supports programming over USB.
2023-01-20 3:11 PM
Many provide a USB-DFU mode in the system bootloader.
All support a serial method via a UART, so perhaps to a FTDI / SiLabs USB-to-CMOS Serial
USB and UART programming can use STM32 Cube Programmer
See App Note AN2606
2023-01-20 3:38 PM
I guess I did not state my question clearly. I am aware of standard USB to UART and using boot modes to boot and even program some devices. However, what I was hoping for is an ST chip set that replaces the need for the ST-LINK SWIM external programmer and debugger. What I am trying to do is teach a group of students to design PCB using ST MCU's and being able to program and debug the firmware on the board that gets designed. Having a preprogrammed ST-LINK SWIM chip which provides the USB bridge from this "CHIP" to the desired ST32 processor of choice would be of great benefit as it removes the need for a separate programmer/debugger for the development of the custom PCB experience.
2023-01-20 5:24 PM
They have been pushed for a "DBG" chip solution, like ATMEL/AVR, or simply a STM32F1 with ST-LINK/V2 firmware preprogrammed, but I suspect there are licensing issues.
The closest solution is the ST-LINK/V3MOD which you could solder down on a board.
There are a whole bunch of MCU that would take CMSIS-DAP firmware, but you'd need development software that uses that, and it's clearly not a drop-in for ST-LINK tools/utility support.
2023-01-20 5:45 PM
Isn't ATMEL/AVR now Microchip? Away, an STM32F1 can be purchased with ST-LINK/V2 preprogrammed on them? Do they then interconnect to another SWD STM32? Or is the STM32F1 the total package and you have to link your application with the preloaded ST-LINK/V2 firmware, or is the ST-LINK/V2 firmware loaded in a ROM, similar to the TI Tiva series ARM cortex controllers.
Just to be clear, this will be the first time I have used STM MCU's. I am trying to introduce different manufacturers MCU into a multi-board project. I have already considered Microchip, TI and now ST.
2023-01-21 1:30 PM
The preprogrammed ST-LINK chip with USB connector and more is called ST-LINK v3 mini.
Also, for a multi-board project you may want the "multidrop SWD" feature, but AFAIK only Segger J-LINK and software support it. ST-LINK for some reason does not.
2023-01-21 11:00 PM
active: https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stlink-v3mods.html
...as Tesla mentioned...
2023-01-21 11:20 PM
Yes, the STLink-MODS is a module form which can be soldered onto a PCB. It is used in the NUCLEO-WB55RG (back side).
One correction: SWIM is the 1 wire debug interface for STM8. SWD is the 2+ wire interface for ARM core debug (SWDIO+SWDCLK)
The STLink-V3Mini newer version is the STLink-V3miniE which includes level shifters to target MCUs in the full operating range.
STLINK-V3MINIE - STLINK-V3 compact in-circuit debugger and programmer for STM32 - STMicroelectronics
It is also included in the STM32C0316-DK
STM32C0316-DK - Discovery kit with STM32C031C6 MCU - STMicroelectronics