2018-01-23 09:48 PM
Hello everyone,
I was curious if anyone has worked on something like Software Serial for STM32 and if there is any library made for it? If yes, please share.
#hal-uart #stm322018-01-23 11:43 PM
THE PC side VCP (virtual com port) driver is here:
The other side CDC driver (to emulate VCP connection) can be found in the CubeMX examples. I used for F1 line.
2018-01-24 12:42 AM
Seem to remember seeing an application note, but not a very efficient. One could emulate output with SPI or TIM
2018-01-24 01:39 AM
The principles are going to be the same as for any microcontroller.
Always worth going to the Product Page for the chip concerned and looking at the list of Application Notes; eg,
Which is the one that
alluded to, andGolab.Bogdan
linked.But why not just choose a variant with sufficient real UARTs ... ?
2018-01-24 02:17 AM
I misunderstood the question.
Maybe this one:
2018-01-24 03:00 AM
Yes, software emulation is bad especially if you have so many resources as STM32 has.
Hardware resources offload CPU - you do not have to spend time on right timing (clock counting, etc).