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SNK1M1 board project with azure threadX not working

Associate III


i'm trying to make a project with the board SNK1M1 coupled with the NUCLEO-G071RB using azure ThreadX instead of FreeRTOS.

i'm able to replicate the example provided here:

or the video on youtube:

and all work fine like in the video


if i change the Rtos with azure ThreadX nothing work anymore!

the code is compiled without problem, it seems to run (no hardfault error) but i can't find the board in the cube monitor UCPD


there is some additional step to use azure threadX instead FreeRTOS?

there is a tutorial of how to use with threadX?


thank you in advance!







i have tryed your suggestion , i see the code in H5 repository e found that i have to  call the USBPD_DPM_TimerCounter() manually

so have modificed my timer like this:


void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { /* USER CODE BEGIN Callback 0 */ /* USER CODE END Callback 0 */ if (htim->Instance == TIM6) { HAL_IncTick(); } /* USER CODE BEGIN Callback 1 */ if (htim->Instance == TIM6) { USBPD_DPM_TimerCounter(); #if defined(_GUI_INTERFACE) GUI_TimerCounter(); #endif } /* USER CODE END Callback 1 */ }

i have also configured the TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND 1000 in the threadX tab to hacve a tick of 1 mS


 but nothing changed! i'm unable to see the com port in the  cube monitor UCPD software .


can i send to you my project? to take a look


thank you


Nicolas P.
ST Employee


Are you able to see the tick counter increase ?

Where do you stand when you break ?

Are you able to see some trace when you follow this wiki, just by selecting COM port?



hello @Nicolas P. 

if i put a break point on the HAL_IncTick();  or USBPD_DPM_TimerCounter(); its breaking continously so i assume the tick is going.


i i break the code is always breaking in the _tx_thread_system_return(); in the file tx_thread_system_suspend

there is no trace on the cube monitor ucpd.

i don't have another thread created by me,


i have slavishly  followed the ST tutorial on youtube:


but i have selected azure threadX for operating system

and also:

1) make the tick  per second 1000

2) make the timebase source TIM6

3) added  

if (htim->Instance == TIM6) { USBPD_DPM_TimerCounter(); #if defined(_GUI_INTERFACE) GUI_TimerCounter(); #endif }

to the HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)

maybe there is some modification to enable the UCPD thread? is not automatic started?


thank you


hello @Nicolas P.  @HFISTM 


maybe you  can look at the project to check if i'm missing something, 


thank you




Hello @ABasi.2 

I've briefly looked at your code and found maybe a hint on the issue.

In your ThreadX init function "tx_application_define()" you are:

  • not checking the App_ThreadX_Init and MX_USBPD_Init return for error, which could indicate something is not working
  • Not calling GUI_InitOS, which explains why you aren't able to connect to cubeMonitor.

I suggest you compare with the H5 project, especially this function in this file: STM32CubeH5/Projects/NUCLEO-H563ZI/Applications/USBPD/USBPD_SNK/AZURE_RTOS/App/app_azure_rtos.c at main · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH5

Hoping this will solve your issue.

Best regards!

hello @HFISTM 

i understand your point but i have some question about your 2 sentence:

  • not checking the App_ThreadX_Init and MX_USBPD_Init return for error, which could indicate something is not working

this is cube MX code, if is it mandatory to check the result why the code generated don't check?

  • Not calling GUI_InitOS, which explains why you aren't able to connect to cubeMonitor.

with freeRtos enabled isn't necessary to manually ad this code, why with threadX is necessary ?


if i can suggest something i think is really helpfull if ST update the youtube example with  version with threadX

i will  check and update my code with your suggestion!


thank you!


i think i found the issue,


cube MX is not generating the code for the GUI!


in the code for STM32H5 in the app_azure_rtos.c you find :

if (tx_byte_pool_create(&gui_interface_app_byte_pool, "GUI_INTERFACE App memory pool", gui_interface_byte_pool_buffer, GUI_INTERFACE_APP_MEM_POOL_SIZE) != TX_SUCCESS) { /* USER CODE BEGIN GUI_INTERFACE_Byte_Pool_Error */ /* USER CODE END GUI_INTERFACE_Byte_Pool_Error */ } else { /* USER CODE BEGIN GUI_INTERFACE_Byte_Pool_Success */ /* USER CODE END GUI_INTERFACE_Byte_Pool_Success */ memory_ptr = (VOID *)&gui_interface_app_byte_pool; status = GUI_InitOS(memory_ptr); if (status != USBPD_OK) { /* USER CODE BEGIN MX_GUI_INTERFACE_Init_Error */ while(1) { } /* USER CODE END MX_GUI_INTERFACE_Init_Error */ } /* USER CODE BEGIN MX_GUI_INTERFACE_Init */ /* USER CODE END MX_GUI_INTERFACE_Init */ }

that is generated by cube MX!


but whit the G071RB the app_azure_rtos.c is:

/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ****************************************************************************** * @file app_azure_rtos.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief app_azure_rtos application implementation file ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file * in the root directory of this software component. * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* USER CODE END Header */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "app_azure_rtos.h" #include "stm32g0xx.h" #include "usbpd.h" /* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */ /* USER CODE END Includes */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN PTD */ /* USER CODE END PTD */ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN PD */ /* USER CODE END PD */ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN PM */ /* USER CODE END PM */ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN TX_Pool_Buffer */ /* USER CODE END TX_Pool_Buffer */ #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) #pragma data_alignment=4 #endif __ALIGN_BEGIN static UCHAR tx_byte_pool_buffer[TX_APP_MEM_POOL_SIZE] __ALIGN_END; static TX_BYTE_POOL tx_app_byte_pool; /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_Pool_Buffer */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_Pool_Buffer */ #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) #pragma data_alignment=4 #endif static UCHAR usbpd_byte_pool_buffer[USBPD_APP_MEM_POOL_SIZE]; static TX_BYTE_POOL usbpd_app_byte_pool; /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ /* USER CODE END PV */ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN PFP */ /* USER CODE END PFP */ /** * @brief Define the initial system. * @param first_unused_memory : Pointer to the first unused memory * @retval None */ VOID tx_application_define(VOID *first_unused_memory) { /* USER CODE BEGIN tx_application_define */ /* USER CODE END tx_application_define */ VOID *memory_ptr; if (tx_byte_pool_create(&tx_app_byte_pool, "Tx App memory pool", tx_byte_pool_buffer, TX_APP_MEM_POOL_SIZE) != TX_SUCCESS) { /* USER CODE BEGIN TX_Byte_Pool_Error */ /* USER CODE END TX_Byte_Pool_Error */ } else { /* USER CODE BEGIN TX_Byte_Pool_Success */ /* USER CODE END TX_Byte_Pool_Success */ memory_ptr = (VOID *)&tx_app_byte_pool; if (App_ThreadX_Init(memory_ptr) != TX_SUCCESS) { /* USER CODE BEGIN App_ThreadX_Init_Error */ /* USER CODE END App_ThreadX_Init_Error */ } /* USER CODE BEGIN App_ThreadX_Init_Success */ /* USER CODE END App_ThreadX_Init_Success */ } if (tx_byte_pool_create(&usbpd_app_byte_pool, "USBPD App memory pool", usbpd_byte_pool_buffer, USBPD_APP_MEM_POOL_SIZE) != TX_SUCCESS) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_Byte_Pool_Error */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_Byte_Pool_Error */ } else { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_Byte_Pool_Success */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_Byte_Pool_Success */ memory_ptr = (VOID *)&usbpd_app_byte_pool; if (MX_USBPD_Init(memory_ptr) != TX_SUCCESS) { /* USER CODE BEGIN MX_USBPD_Init_Error */ /* USER CODE END MX_USBPD_Init_Error */ } /* USER CODE BEGIN MX_USBPD_Init_Success */ /* USER CODE END MX_USBPD_Init_Success */ } } /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */ /* USER CODE END 0 */
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in the file IOC the GUI_interface is enabled , HwBoardVersionName  and PDTTypeName compiled  but seems the cube doesn't create the code

am 'i  wrong and i'm missing something?


thank you!





Yes you are right this is an issue with CubeMX.

CubeMX is meant to be a static configuration tool, and USBPD application is a bit out of scope as it is highly applicative and not only configuration (like for a UART or I2C peripheral for instance).

However the tool was tweaked as much as possible to be able to create a full USBPD application (as you can see in the wiki or video).

In your case the issue is that you are using ThreadX as an extension pack, as it is not native for G0 (freertos is). Thus, the USBPD part is handled separately. I will open a ticket to track the issue, thank you for your patience.

I highly recommend to make a file diff between H5 (native threadx, with all USBPD code) and your application like you started, to ensure you have all  applicative code needed for your need.


Thank you and regards

thank you! @HFISTM 

i will try!

if i succed i write to you with the modification i made


Thank you for your help!




i'm trying to modify the ST example  STM32CubeH5/Projects/NUCLEO-H563ZI/Applications/USBPD/USBPD_SNK/AZURE_RTOS/App/app_azure_rtos.c at main · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH5 you advised to me

the example work great, if i connect the USB -C user port of the nucleo-h563zi board to my usb-c output of the computer i have some messages on the cubemonitor and see a 5V on the board


noy i want to request a different voltage of coarse so i added in the ioc file via cube ide a new PDO 1 with 15V and 1000mA


nothing appen.. i understand that to have 15V the source have to vapable to output the 15V

so my first question is : can you advise me of a source device able to output all the different voltages that i can buy to try ?


also have a second question:

did you have a example that manage the request to change the requested voltage in the code ?


thank you