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Serial Communication error in hTerm: Error in OpenPort: Internal Erorr when initializing 'COM3

Associate III

Hello STM32-Community,

I'm currently using an STM32L4R with USB Connection to PC. I've "Device_ONly"-Mode in USB_OTG_FS (though I am not 100% sure if required) and USB_Device in STM32CubeMX activated. I included the settings iof USB_DEVICE in the category "Middleware".

So using the USB Connection works with terminal I found online. Sending simple data 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 works fine, but any other communication system fails. I tried out MATLAB; hTerm and LabVIEW, none of them could establish a connection between STM32 and PC. Anyone had this issue prior and knows how to resolve it?

Kind regards and thank you in advance


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Make sure to handle get & set request for line parameters (baudrate, parity etc.)

I've everything checked twice, though it should "connect" properly, even though those settings arent set correclty, right? I also noticed a small discrepancy. In hardware-manager the device is listed as "Teensy USB Serial", but in STM32 i've had it programmed as STM32 Microsystems something which was set on default. I used an USB Sniffer and it actually found the correct device name as stated in CubeMX. Why is this discrepancy there?