2022-05-24 7:08 AM
Hello STM32-Community,
I'm currently using an STM32L4R with USB Connection to PC. I've "Device_ONly"-Mode in USB_OTG_FS (though I am not 100% sure if required) and USB_Device in STM32CubeMX activated. I included the settings iof USB_DEVICE in the category "Middleware".
So using the USB Connection works with terminal I found online. Sending simple data 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 works fine, but any other communication system fails. I tried out MATLAB; hTerm and LabVIEW, none of them could establish a connection between STM32 and PC. Anyone had this issue prior and knows how to resolve it?
Kind regards and thank you in advance
2022-05-24 8:05 AM
Make sure to handle get & set request for line parameters (baudrate, parity etc.)
2022-05-25 1:09 AM
I've everything checked twice, though it should "connect" properly, even though those settings arent set correclty, right? I also noticed a small discrepancy. In hardware-manager the device is listed as "Teensy USB Serial", but in STM32 i've had it programmed as STM32 Microsystems something which was set on default. I used an USB Sniffer and it actually found the correct device name as stated in CubeMX. Why is this discrepancy there?