2025-03-03 7:46 PM
cubemx 6.14.0 FW_H7_V1.12.1
sd_diskio.c generated by cubemx, it's not match with the Middlewares\Third_Party\FatFs\src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c. These are some context in sd_disio.c:
/* USER CODE END Header */
/* Note: code generation based on sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c v2.1.4
as FreeRTOS is enabled. */
/* USER CODE BEGIN firstSection */
In Middlewares/Third_Party/FatFs/src/st_readme.txt:
### V2.1.5/18-08-2023 ###
+ Add LICENSE.md file at the root directory.
+ Fix in disk_initialize() function, the "is_initialized" flag to be set 1 after checking the driver's return value.
- src\diskio.c
+ Fix read/write sector size cast type in USBH_ioctl().
- src\drivers\usbh_diskio_template.c
- src\drivers\usbh_diskio_dma_template.c
+ Fix declaration of the "ret" parameter in SD_read()
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c
+ Set “ReadStatus” variable to zero before calling BSP_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA()
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_template_bspv1.c
+ Fix typo error in SD_Write() where READ_CPLT_MSG is used instead of WRITE_CPLT_MSG
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv2.c
+ Use local variable to store function call return values
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_template_bspv1.c
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_template_bspv2.c
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv2.c
+ Use 32-byte aligned scratch buffer, in SD_read() and SD_write, to match CPU cache alignment.
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_template_bspv1.c
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_template_bspv2.c
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c
- src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv2.c
### V2.1.4/18-10-2019 ###
+ Fix wrong usage of the "memcpy" in the SD_Write() function
- drivers/sd_diskio_dma_template_bspv1.c
- drivers/sd_diskio_dma_template_bspv2.c
- drivers/sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c
- drivers/sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv2.c
So, I want sd_diskio.c generate base on sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c on v2.1.5 or the Middlewares\Third_Party\FatFs\src\drivers\sd_diskio_dma_rtos_template_bspv1.c . There are some error in v2.1.4. For Example:
v2.1.4: if (!((uint32_t)buff & 0x3))
v2.1.5: if (!((uint32_t)buff & 0x1f))