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SBSFU porting to STM32G0B1XX

Associate III


I have a problem with SBSFU.
I'm using STM32G0B1RE dev kit.
But I have got STM32G071RB example. G071RB is example works fine in G0B1RE board.

The problem occurs when I change Compile Symbol to STM32G0B1xx STM32CubeIde Properties > Settings > GCC Compiler > Symbol to STM32G0B1xx

SBSFU failed to download the .sfu file on the second time after erasing the 32bytes header from example. It throws Flash error after during hearder signature verification.

I need to change symbols to STM32G0B1XX to implement USB CDC code instead UART.


ST Employee

Hello @Tarun ,

The flash error encountered while verifying the signature and may be captured during an installation procedure.

I recommend you check the UM2262 which contains all steps and detailed. The Table 6 lists the main error messages with their explanation.



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Hi Imen,

Thank you for your reply. I understand that Flash error causing during installation procedure. The question is why it was failed when I change symbol to STM32G0B1xx. Though I change symbol, able to download application first time and download failed when I corrupt the signature from tests provided by ST example code? The same code download working with STM32G071xx symbol before and after signature corruption. Could you please elaborate the answer where I need to focus?