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Program flow problem after bootloader on stm32g070 processor


We have different series of the stm32g070cbt processor that we are currently using. For example, in some processors with serial numbers 202 and 225, the processor works after a program is sent to the processor, but when the processor is reset, the program does not continue its flow. This problem disappears when I replace the processor with serial number 255 with the processor number 202,225 in different series. Is there a difference between these series? And how can I solve this problem? I think there is a possibility that I may experience such a problem when I place a bulk order.


Debug the code, step through it, understand where the processor is at when "the program does not continue its flow". The CPU is somewhere trying to execute instructions (unless it's not powered), so use your efforts to determine where and why that is.

Stay objective. Don't look for magic solutions.

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