2019-05-18 2:44 AM
I have just started working on P-l496g-cell01 board and download the packages from st web site.
I use en.x-cube-cloud-gen packages in which default code is available to connect grove stream cloud. I follow all steps and also check all jumper all are properly connected but when i debug the code at the stage of initialization of UG96 Cellular device not connect and show the error on tera term "Trying to connect with the embedded SIM
Fail to AT SYNC, after several attempts
C2C AT comunication error with the C2C device
C2C device might be disconnected or wrongly connected
Error initializing the module!" please help me how to solve this error ?
C2C device connect proper way power led ON and also connect with the NW my Esim also activated.
Thank you,
sadik pinjari.
2019-06-07 11:11 PM
In any case, as far as I remember there are precompiled BIN demos in the C2C repository to make sure the HW is fine.
Then it's a matter to configure probably the X-CUBE compile options.
2019-06-10 1:22 AM
This kind of problem may occur when Hw Flow Control is set by another SW (for instance x-cube-cellular first).
Then modem stores this state in its internal non volatil memory and expects new communication with RTS pin in a relevant state.
C2C driver works without HW flow control.
2 solutions :
Follow instructions in : Quectel SW upgrade zip file available at https://stm32-c2c.com (in precompile demos repository)
Note C2C driver manages modem autobaud feature.
This is done by STM32 SW (C2C driver) by repeating 10 times AT command (at the maximum) to tune automatically the speed.
2019-06-10 1:25 AM
2019-06-13 9:51 PM
Thanks Thierry BINIGUER for your reply..
2021-11-21 3:24 PM
Hi Thierry,
I am having the same issue as described in this post. I have amended the ug_96.h and ug_96.c files to match those you've posted here however still receive the error:
"Fail to AT SYNC, after several attempts
C2C AT comunication error with the C2C device
C2C device might be disconnected or wrongly connected
Error initializing the module! "
I am using the BG96 running FW ver BG96MAR02A08M1G_01.012.01.012 with the P-L496G-CELL02 kit.
I was wondering if there was anything else I could do to try and get the examples from the STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud GenericV1.0.0 pack to work.