2018-01-07 6:33 AM
I'm trying to connect to a2GB sd card class 6 with stm32f091cctx MCU via SPI. Using fatFs library ver. R0.13a I'm able to mount the drive and open the file with f_mount and f_open functions. But when it comes to reading from file, it just freezes somewhere in f_read function. Also when I try to change the position of pointer with f_lseek, again it freezes. f_lseek works only when I write it as f_lseek(&MyFile, 0).
This part of my code is as below:
if(FATFS_LinkDriver(&SD_Driver, SDPath) == 0)
f_mount(&SDFatFs, (TCHAR const*)SDPath, 1);
f_open(&MyFile, 'SAMPLE1.WAV', FA_READ);
f_lseek(&MyFile, 200);
f_read(&MyFile, rtext, 1000, (UINT*)&bytesread);
#stm32f0 #fatfs #sd-card #spi
2018-01-09 2:40 AM
Please refer to the following discussions if you have similar issue:
Best Regards,
2018-01-10 7:58 AM
thank you so much
2018-01-10 8:18 AM
Not sure how applicable SDIO implementation details are to SPI. Assume FatFs is solid and you need to focus on testing and validating your code in DISKIO.C and below.