2019-05-10 12:47 PM
I found an example of a a USB VCP in the "STM32F105xx, STM32F107xx, STM32F2xx and STM32F4xx USB
On-The-Go host and device library". In the relevant README it says to select "STM324xG-EVAL_USBD-FS: to configure the project for STM32F407xx devices and use USB OTG FS peripheral".
Things like an LCD or LEDs I will throw out, but what should I look out for?
Any advice would be highly appreciated
2019-05-10 02:13 PM
'F405 and 'F407 are 100% identical. The only difference is, that the ETH module in 'F405 is unavailable (it's there on the chip, as the chip is identical, but it's either disabled by some fuse, or maybe not even that, just untested and not guaranteed to work).
2019-05-11 11:29 AM