2015-09-09 1:05 AM
Hi guys,
I am intend to using STM32f4 Discovery as sound board, the problem I am only able to play one audio in one time, I need 3 or 4 audio overlapping. is it possible to mix the audio buffer in firmware ? so I mix it before sending to Audio Processor IC. I am search on net , and I found the algorithm just simple like Y = A + B. and for cut clipping the formula become Y = (A + B) - AB. #stm32 #audio #dsp #sound2015-09-09 1:08 AM
here the article what I am talking about :
http://www.vttoth.com/CMS/index.php/technical-notes/68 http://atastypixel.com/blog/how-to-mix-audio-samples-properly-on-ios/