2020-01-05 06:12 PM
I've made a project to send sensor data from stm32f767zi nucleo board (Client) to a desktop computer (Server), using ethernet and lwip with RTOS on stm32cubeide. Nucleo board is connected with ethernet cable to wired broadband router. Desktop computer is also connected to same wired broadband router.
In Ubuntu, I'am using ping msg in terminal as: $ sudo ping
However, with same code and configurations, the result of ping test is "Destination Host Unreachable" or "64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.864ms"
When the ethernet connection is built successfully, the result of ping test is done correctly and continuously, but when I try rebuild the project with same code and configurations and use debugging mode, the result of pint test is failed.
After this situation, I try to reconnect ethernet with various ways like changing cables, rebooting the board or computer, and reconnecting debugging port. Then, some time one of them make a success ethernet connection, but when the connection is failed again, I do the same way that works well, but the connection don't back well.
What should be wrong? What should I have to do?
2020-01-05 08:02 PM
> What should be wrong?
Use of CubeMX generated bloatware.
> What should I have to do?
Read the documentation and write your own code.