2020-11-02 1:51 PM
after programming the code via the OnBoard ST-Link and connecting/disconencting USB on the Device side in order to find out if the works, I can no longer access the microcontroller.
I have no idea what the rootcause is, 3.3V is fine. Could it be that the MCU is stuck in a lowpower mode(I did not configure any).
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards, Seppel
2020-11-02 2:02 PM
Likely the same issue with all H7 dual core 'V'-step parts, incorrect LDO/SMPS or VOS settings. See reporting on H747I-DISCO and H7508-DK's
Strap BOOT0 HIGH, fully cycle power several times until you can connect with STM32 Cube Programmer, and erase your errant code.
2020-11-02 2:13 PM
Hello Clive,
could you plese tell me what "BOOT0" is and some Details? I'm just sarting with the H745,... .
Once I've got access, is there a way to avoid it? Never had these problems before when I fiddled with it.
V-Step, thats the marking on the first line of the Controller?
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards, Seppel
2020-11-02 2:24 PM
Sensitive to the power supply and voltage scaling settings
static void SystemClock_Config(void)
RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct;
RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct;
HAL_StatusTypeDef ret = HAL_OK;
/*!< Supply configuration update enable */
/* The voltage scaling allows optimizing the power consumption when the device is
clocked below the maximum system frequency, to update the voltage scaling value
regarding system frequency refer to product datasheet. */
2020-11-02 2:26 PM
BOOT0 is a pin controlling boot behaviour into ROM or your code into FLASH.
Should be marked on one of the pin headers, and findable via the User Manual / Schematic, usually close to a VDD pin for easy connection
2020-11-02 2:32 PM
2020-11-02 2:34 PM
However, how can that be avoided? What do I have to do to not have this issue again?
What are the correct LDO/SMPS or VOS settings for the Nucleo-H745?
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards, Seppel
2020-11-02 2:51 PM
Board provides for multiple powering methods, SW and HW need to be consistent.
Looking at this blindly, I'd guess you selected the LDO, not the SMPS setting
2020-11-02 3:04 PM
Wow, I can't even find these settings. the settings should be in the config-Tool?
All I found was this:
2020-11-02 3:39 PM
I'm not a CubeMX/IDE/WTF adherent, I work code the old fashion way..