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Modify the .bin file of NetxDuo example called Nx_WebServer

Associate II

I am working with AZURE RTOS and I have implemented an HTTP web server application following the application example called Nx_WebServer and prepared for the demo board STM32F429ZI-Nucleo.

The example uses files html, js, jpg, svg to create a web site. These files are written in the flash of the STM32F429 starting from address 0x08100000.

To write these files into the flash it is necessary to create the file web_demo.bin that is provided with the other files of the example.

Now I need to change some of the files of the Web Site (essentially index.html and dashboard.html) an so I have to regenerate the corresponding web_demo.bin, but I not able to do that.

Someone can help to do this step?


PS: I have seen an other identical question did by an other community member (@agalindo) in the past, but that question did not have a satisfactory answer.

Billy OWEN
ST Employee

Hi @SLapi.3​ 

The forum moderator had marked your post as needing a little more investigation and direct support. An online support case has been created on your behalf, please stand by for just a moment and you will hear from us.



Thanks, I've been looking for a solution for two days..



Haithem Rahmani
ST Employee

Hi, @SLapi.3​ 

I'll share a CLI tool that allows you to create the binary image.

stay tuned.



Hi @Haithem Rahmani​ I hope you can help me. Or if you can't send me a tool, please give me the format of the .bin file compliant with the FileSystem readable by the Web Server of the NetXDuo Add-On.




please check your private messages.

Associate II

Hi, @Haithem Rahmani​ 

can you also share the tool and detail how to create the web_demo.bin file? I am also working on sample project Nx_WebServer on board STM32F429ZI-Nucleo. I modified the dashboard.html and used the Keil FCARM to generate the bin. But after uploaded to 0x08100000 of the board, the application stop working and the fx_media_open() return 0x90.
