2022-11-15 3:02 AM
2022-11-15 3:49 AM
Hello @KPras.2
First let me thank you for posting.
To be able to push further the analysis could you please provide your file .ioc which show the problem.
I'll be waiting for your feedback.
2022-11-15 4:33 AM
I am using STMCubeMx ver 6.6.1.
2022-11-15 4:54 AM
Hello @KPras.2
I tried to reproduce the behavior you encountered but it works fine from my side.
I activated the SD card with SDIO(4bit bus) fatfs, freertos and dma then i generated the code
using STM32CubeIDE.
I put below my file ioc please have a look .
If you supply the ioc-file, we can try to re-produce the issue with your exact configuration.
I'll be waiting for your feedback.
2022-11-23 10:47 PM
void sd_card_mount_card_capacity (void)
if(f_mount(&SDFatFS, (TCHAR const*)SDPath, 1) != FR_OK)
SendString("SD card mounting error");// Display capacity
#if 1
uint8_t buf[30];
sprintf(buf,"SD_Cap %llu \n\r", ((unsigned long
long)hsd1.SdCard.BlockSize * hsd1.SdCard.BlockNbr));
Dear Sir,
Sorry for the late reply. Actually i was on the leave due to some personal work.
I have seen your ioc.
Please find attached our ioc and check the configuration.
I have tested. It is not working.
Also please see the our function of the mounting of the SD card and Total space available of the SD card.
This function reply to us - SD card mounting error.
Please suggest any modifications required for the working ok.
Kameshwar Prasad
2022-11-24 12:42 AM
Might not be a software issue, your hardware implementation is not shown or described.
Issue isn't with superficial top level code, you're going to have to dig into the DiSKIO and SDIO code, perhaps instrumenting that to understand how it flows and breaks.
2022-11-24 1:10 AM
Thanks for your reply.
With same h/w SD fatfs is working ok with sdio 4bits in interrupt and poling mode without dma and freertos. So H/W is ok.