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Maximum baud rate for serial bootloaders

Mike Ciholas
Associate III

What is the maximum reliable baud rate that the serial bootloader will operate at?

I am aware than AN3155 says that the max tested is 115200 but that's too slow for the production rates we need. How much faster can it go? I would like to go at least 1 Mbs, and would prefer 2 Mbs if possible.

I presume the autobaud feature is being used in mode 2 (looking for 0x7f, the most accurate baud measurement). Assuming an oversample of 16, then a baud rate of the clock divided by 16 should be the maximum. Perhaps best not to operate right at the maximum.

The parts in use and what I think they should be able to do:

STM32G070, 24 MHz clock, USARTDIV of 24 is 1 Mbs

STM32U535, 60 MHz clock, USARTDIV of 30 is 2 Mbs

STM32H723, 66 MHz clock, USARTDIV of 33 is 2 Mbs.

Are those possible and workable?

Apologies, I don't have test boards where I can check this, so I am looking for anyone with field experience or knowledge of this.



I can't say I've pushed it.

Many run from the PLL, and the BRR has some fractional configuration.

It's measuring the 0x7F 8E1 pattern with a TIM, so as long as it's clean it will auto-baud well.

You could scope the 0x79 response.

It's one-shot, you can reset and try again.

Many RS232 level converters are band width limited, top-end ones often around 1Mbaud

I don't care for the protocol, and writing flash generally stalls the micro.

Would suggest staging, push something a little smarter into RAM, that can do flow-control, and execute that.

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Chief II

>too slow for the production rates we need

shure - this is just bootloader , but for production there are many tools... but not for free !

here is a list:

look, which is making the speed you want - and buy. ��

ie. : FlashRunner High Speed

  • to connect up to 8 HS Active Modules;
  • Communication frequency towards device up to 50MHz;
  • 256 GB on-board eMMC memory;

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Mike Ciholas
Associate III

Must do this over UART, alas, so no SWD or other programmer applies.

Mike Ciholas
Associate III

Staging another program in RAM is looking like the best tactic, but something else to write and debug.

Well the path to speed is to be able to slip-stream the data, and write somewhat concurrently.

The system loader deals with small blocks in a bang-bang fashion it's not designed for speed or integrity.

Pick a more industry standard protocol, will probably half the work/effort.

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