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LwIP + FreeRTOS: connection manager not closing/freeing connections/resource properly?

Associate II

We have an application that uses LWiP and FreeRTOS.

The application has one UDP connection, for initial device discovery, which is managed through a UDP connection manager, on one FreeRTOS task. (Some by-the-by, background information)

We are using default LwIP 8 connection limit of 8 TCP connections, for the main application protocol.
The host side (PC) always opens, then closes a UDP device discovery probe connection first, then the main application TCP connection. Additionally the host application, may temporarily open a second TCP connection, only if a specialised configurator tool is used.

For this reason that the host application, may occasionally use two TCP connections, we have a FreeRTOS task, which is a connection manager, whose provides, opens & closes connections, in a round-robin queue/dequeue from the 8 TCP connections pool.

This connection manager, on a new UDP probe, closes any TCP connections left open in the queue, as a pre new TCP connection clean-up action.

Additionally the main task itself, is a HTTP server based, which runs in its own separate FreeRTOS task.

So the FreeRTOS tasks usage is...

Task A) UDP (device discovery) probe server
Task B) Connection manager, for 8 TCP connections
Task C) Main HTTP server based application, uses the pointer of the issued connection, from task B

I have observed with wireshark, that connection manager, 'should' be closing the connections FIN & FIN ACK transactions observed.

However, after 8 connect/disconnect cycles, the ninth connection locks up the device.

I've tried enabling SO_LINGER, and setting the LINGER time-out to 2000ms.
However, with the connection manager being in one task, and the main application being in another task,
I've started thinking it could be a connection closure thread safety issue possibly?

Anyone had any issues, with multiple TCP connections not being closed properly, and how did you resolve it?



Senior II

This issues are very common with LWIP+FREERTOS - and also not easy to reproduce for debugging.

It does not come from a single bug, but many facotrs cooperate.

That is why I moved to AZRTOS + NetXDuo. not eror free but much more stable.