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Is by any chance the STM32 factory bootloader available? I'm not looking to modify it, but just to use it as a reference.

Associate II
Associate II

More info... I clicked on the submit button too fast, so here's the rest of the question:

I'm currently trying to use the SPI interface in the bootloader for the STM32L476VGT6, and I'm having no success. I am able to get the USART interface working, though. With all the documentation I've looked at so far (i.e. the latest bootloader docs, the latest errata), it looks like the SPI interface is supported by the bootloader in the STM32L476VGT6. So, from a documentation perspective, it should work.

This is basically a 2 part question. Thanks for any help that can be provided.


You could ask your FAE.

I usually generate an annotated disassembly, focusing on the parts of specific interest.

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Associate II

I've also put in a question through my FAE, and I'm waiting to hear back from them. Basically it was the same questions I posted to this community. Thanks very much for your help.

Associate II

However, to elaborate on your reply... How do you get the annotated disassembly. Do you mean that you're reading the bootloader out of ROM, converting it to assembly, and using that as best you can for information purposes? I have yet to use that technique (I was hoping that the source code was available somewhere). I've worked on projects before where the factory bootloader source code was provided upon request from the vendor. I'm hoping that is the case with ST. This is my first time having such a request from ST. We'll see what happens...

Thanks again.

>>Do you mean that you're reading the bootloader out of ROM, converting it to assembly, and using that as best you can for information purposes?

Yes, I'm actually pretty good at it. The official source code is usually a disappointment.

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Associate II

Thanks Clive, for your tip. I may have to resort to what you recommend.

