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Irda communication stopps working after sending too many bytes


Hi There,

I use a Stm32l072 (to be exactly, the CMWX1ZZABZ Lora module) with a infrared receiver. The Protocol is Irda Sir with the following specs:

  • 1152000 Baud
  • 8 Bit Data
  • No Parity

To test it, i wrote a simple CubeMx programm that receives correct data once:

// ...
// other init stuff here
  hirda1.Instance = USART1;
  hirda1.Init.BaudRate = 115200;
  hirda1.Init.WordLength = IRDA_WORDLENGTH_8B;
  hirda1.Init.Parity = IRDA_PARITY_NONE;
  hirda1.Init.Mode = IRDA_MODE_TX_RX;
  hirda1.Init.Prescaler = 1;
  hirda1.Init.PowerMode = IRDA_POWERMODE_NORMAL;
  if (HAL_IRDA_Init(&hirda1) != HAL_OK)
 while (1)
	HAL_StatusTypeDef rc;
	uint8_t irdaBuffer[200] = {0};
	rc =  HAL_IRDA_Receive(&hirda1,irdaBuffer,3,1000*5);
		  HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LED4_GPIO_Port, LED4_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);

The problem:

When sending 3Bytes over Irda, it works fine. When sending >3Byte, the first three are correctly received but the following do never appear and the "HAL_IRDA_Receive" wont work anymore. I would assume i should receive the following Bytes as soon as i call "HAL_IRDA_Receive" again, until the Rx buffer is empty? Or did i miss a step? With the DMA it shows the same behavior.

Thanks for help

Lead III

> rc = HAL_IRDA_Receive(&hirda1,irdaBuffer,3,1000*5);

I use to not dabble in Cube stuff, but this looks like you pass a buffer size of 3, which would explain the "magic" limit.

What happens if you send less ?

What happens in the HAL code after the 3 bytes are received ?

I think you need reflect upon your requirements and your application.

Are data transmitted in equally sized packages, and regularly ? Or sporadically, with unknown size ?

That would define the method that works best for you (DMA, interrupt).


Thank you for your fast reply,

The size of 3 is just a random value to show the limitation, i can insert "siezeof(buffer)" and i have the same problem (HAL_IRDA_Receive

not working anymore) when i transmitt more data than the buffer size. Obviously this is not a usefull implementation, its just to show my the problem.

"What happens if you send less ?"

-> The function hits its timeout as it should"

"What happens in the HAL code after the 3 bytes are received ?"

-> when only 3Bytes are sent (per loop) the code works correct

-> when more than 3Bytes are sent in one loop, the HAL function receives the first 3 and in the following loops it wil allways timeout. It timeouts as well, when i send new bytes. So im not able to receive anything again.

My data is transmitted randomly in diffrent sizes. I will later use the DMA and delimiters in my data, but at first the basic rx-path should work correctly.

I don't intend to debug Cube either, but I'd guess the UART Rx overflows and the overflow prevents further Rx.

Read the UART chapter in RM and debug the Cube code accordingly.