2020-04-12 7:31 AM
I cannot use HAL because this library is not authorized by the company for the type of development I am doing. But I can use CMSIS and LL.
When I compile ***_ ll_.c files some include stm32h7_hal.c, which itself includes stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h. These files do not concern LL.
Could ST clearly separate LL and HAL, and not have LL dependence on HAL?
In addition stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h includes main.h. It is an application file which has nothing to do with LL or HAL, and which I do not need (RTOS with several tasks, no main). I am obliged to have a file with a single comment indicating that we do not need it ...
I'm not sure this is the right place to make this request, but I didn't find a 2020 wish list.
Thanks to ST.
2020-04-26 11:22 AM
Are you saying that I can release my driver library under BSD or MIT license and kill the whole independent developer industry single-handedly? ;)
Good platform doesn't kill independent developers. Actually it does exactly the opposite! A decent platform should provide the common functionality like USART, I2C, SPI, CAN, Ethernet+lwIP, SD+FatFS in their typical use cases. When you have that in a form of stable, flexible and performing library, then you can finally spend your time on developing the actual application level code, not reinvent the wheel! Consequently you can make and sell more products, which means more money. And ST also gets more money, because you sell more of their chips.