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Immediate !!!



I am using a STM32F429 board and I have compiled u boot and freeRTOS for this board's core. I wanna run a FreeRTOS on this board on U boot. My compilation processes  was successfull. But when I wanna run this on u boot. I am loading FreeRTOS .bin file then when say go 0xxxxxxxxx( initial adress or reset adress of linker) my program sayas STARTING APPLICATON and it freezing. How can I solve this. IT is an immediate problem, thank you.

ST Employee

Hello @mus4

The problem looks to be with the bootloader so the system got stuck in application startup.

Could you share your deinitialization sequence in the bootloader?


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Perhaps employ people who can debug, then you can start solving problems instantly!!!

Make sure you're setting SCB->VTOR to the correct address in SystemInit()

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From wheere I can find the  deinitialization sequence ? What does it mean literally?