2021-11-14 10:53 PM
2021-11-14 11:21 PM
Hi @Vredd.2
FreeRTOS support is for only CPU dependent. FreeRTOS support all cortex MCU, including the Cortex M4 equipping the STM32L4.
Have a look here to see examples using FreeRTOS on the STM32L4.
2021-11-15 10:57 PM
Hello @Haithem Rahmani ,
Thanks for response,
I was following freertos_lowpower examples in which CMSIS-RTOS has been use, I have requirement to port conditional variable functions like pthread_cond_wait(); and pthread_cond_signal(); of RTOS in to my application, can you suggest any function in CMSIS-RTOS which is equivalent of those.
I have gone through documentation of osSignalWait(); and osSignalSet(); in case of pthread_cond_wait(); function it is going to unlocks mutex but osSignalWait(); is implemented differently than that. is there any work around for that.
2021-11-15 11:43 PM
Hi @Vredd.2,
there isn't any straightforward CMSIS API mapping the required API, it should be implemented manually.
I don't know whether FreeRTOS is a must in your project or not, but why not trying the Azure RTOS threadx, It comes with a ready to use posix porting layer, that should be providing your needs.