2017-11-30 7:40 PM
I am working with STM32F407 Discovery Board and micro SD Card. I use STM32CubeMX version 4.23 to config SDIO 4 bit.
This is my code to read data from micro sd card:
FATFS myfatfs;
FIL myfile;
uint8_t SD_Data_Read_Arr[100];
uint32_t readbyte;
if(BSP_SD_Init()!=MSD_OK){};if(f_mount(&myfatfs,'',1)!=FR_OK){};if(f_open(&myfile,'123.txt',FA_READ)!=FR_OK){};if(f_read(&myfile,SD_Data_Read_Arr_1,100,&readbyte)!=FR_OK){}; /* USER CODE END 2 */while(1)
I load my code into MCU and debug by Kiel C. Then I observe SD_Data_Read_Arr in watch1 monitor.
I have two micro SDCard. One is Transcend,SDHC ,16GB and one is China's item( It do not have manufacturer),2GB.
I connect micro sd card to MCU through SD socket.
When I use 2GB micro sd card. My code was run and I can see data of SD_Data_Read_Arr in watch1 monitor.
But when I use 16GB micro SDcard. SD_Data_Read_Arr do not have any data. I get error in f_mount(&myfatfs,'',1) is FR_NO_FILESYSTEM.
I have some question:
1. Why can't I work with SDHC
2. How can I solve this problem?
3. When I use STM32CubeMx, how can I config to work with all SDcard type?
Thanks for any help! If you need, I can upload my project...
#sdhc #stm32-stm32cube #fatfs-sdio2017-11-30 8:02 PM
>>I am working with STM32 Discovery Board
That narrows things down to a few dozen boards, care to be more specific?
The functions return error codes, you really should pay attention to those and stop ploughing onward when things fail.
Several reports of issues with CubeMX code for this, can't help you with those.
2017-11-30 9:05 PM
. I was update my question! and I used STM32F407 Discovery board!