2022-12-06 9:55 AM
I am designing a board with STM32 device of P/N STM32G4A1KEUx. I am trying to see if I need to have an external pull up on the USB-FS D+ line for detection. The usual application note don't seem to include this device as it looks. Does this device has a pull up embedded for the USB detection If not can I still use the usual 1.5k on the D+ line?
2022-12-06 10:18 AM
Data Sheet, USB Characteristics, pg 162
2022-12-06 6:40 PM
Reading pdf seems to be more tedious than post a recurring question on the forum....
2022-12-07 1:15 AM
Hi, thanks for this guidance. Based on this I do not have to have an external pull up. I usually use the document at link https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00296349-usb-hardware-and-pcb-guidelines-using-stm32-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf for checking this. For some reason the device family I am using is not included here. Hence asked the question. I could not find an answer when I searched the forum for this specific device. Perhaps I was using wrong wording.