2013-12-13 10:35 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have a STM32F4Discovery board and I have implemented on it an http server using the lwip v1.41 stack. I also have implemented a micro-SD with SDIO and FATFS, and USB FS as a mass storage device. All of this is working fine together.My question is if I can store the webpages in the SD card in binary format instead of using the fsdata.c inside the microcontroller flash. If so, how can I do that? Is there any example?Thanks #stm32f4discovery #ethernet #sdio2013-12-13 10:50 AM
My question is if I can store the webpages in the SD card in binary format instead of using the fsdata.c inside the microcontroller flash. If so, how can I do that? Is there any example?
I didn't do it with the DISCO board, but yes it's possible, I modified httpserver-socket.c to direct ''GET /SDCARD/'' access to the FAT FS implementation and served the data from there to demonstrate functionality. The data could come completely from the card if you so chose.
2013-12-16 3:45 AM
Thanks for your answer clive.
Could you please teel me how did you modify the sockets.c file, or if you have a post explaining it because i couldn't find it.Thanks2013-12-18 5:55 AM
I've tried to modify the fs_open, fs_close, fs_read ... functions from the fs.c file to point to the similar ones from the ff.c file (fat fs), to read files from sd, but no luck. No data is sent to the browser.
I think I know what I have to do but I don't know how.Any help?2013-12-18 11:59 AM
Yeah, I'm not sure that approach addresses how the data is presented to the socket, and definitely falls over if the file size exceeds the available RAM.
STM32F217VGT6\Code\STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Project\FreeRTOS\httpserver_socket\src\httpserver-socket.c http_server_serve()2013-12-20 8:07 AM
else if(strncmp((char *)recv_buffer, ''GET /SDCARD/'', 12) == 0)
FIL fil;
int i;
i = 12; // Find end of name
while(recv_buffer[i] && (recv_buffer[i] != ' ') && (recv_buffer[i] != '
') && (recv_buffer[i] != '
recv_buffer[i] = 0; // Terminate with NUL
res = f_open(&fil, (void*)&recv_buffer[12], FA_READ);
if (res != FR_OK)
/* Load 404 page */
file = fs_open(''/html'');
write(conn, (const unsigned char*)(file->data), (size_t)file->len);
if(file) fs_close(file);
UINT BytesRead;
i = sprintf((void*)recv_buffer, // Generate a server side header
''HTTP/1.0 200 OK
''Server: lwIP/1.3.1 (http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lwip + sourcer32@gmail.com)
''Content-Length: %d
''Content-Type: text/plain
'', fil.fsize);
write(conn, (const unsigned char*)(recv_buffer), (size_t)i); // Send HTTP Header
while(1) // Transfer file packets until gone
res = f_read(&fil, recv_buffer, sizeof(recv_buffer), &BytesRead);
if ((res == FR_OK) && (BytesRead))
write(conn, (const unsigned char*)(recv_buffer), (size_t)BytesRead);
res = f_close(&fil);
else if((strncmp((char *)recv_buffer, ''GET /STM32F2x7.html'', 19) == 0)||(strncmp((char *)recv_buffer, ''GET / '', 6) == 0))
/* Load STM32F2x7 page */
file = fs_open(''/STM32F2x7.html'');
write(conn, (const unsigned char*)(file->data), (size_t)file->len);
if(file) fs_close(file);
2013-12-23 11:27 AM
Thanks for your help, clive1.
I could not make it work yet because I'm not using an RTOS but a standalone mode. In this mode, the ethernet system provides very poor functionality.I will try to use the lwip socket in this mode. And if it still doesn't work I will modify my whole application to use it under an rtos.Martin2014-10-12 11:19 AM
Here is my example working from SD card..
Find complete project in attachment Enjoy it.. Pankaj ________________ Attachments : Http_Server_SDCard.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzhA&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bRw%2FWiVPWXSXsb57a7330NEdIgIHDLrdzFPxNALGSGrFv_w&asPdf=false