2011-07-13 12:53 AM
Posted on July 13, 2011 at 09:53
I want to interface microSD card and LCD screen. So that I can
display the pictures stored in the microSD card to the LCD screen. but i can't understand how to do that.
Thanks for any help,
2012-03-24 6:50 PM
But the style (and the references) looks very much like mine - so what's going on here, then?!
It sounds like you Andrew, but the forum has been especially flaky for the last few weeks, I suspect that a couple of posts have been glued back into place to hold the whole thing together.2012-03-25 7:34 AM
Thanks for the link. I also found this link which may prove useful in setting up a FAT file system:2012-03-25 1:08 PM
Just as a wrap up (from my side) instead of implementing a FAT filesystem, I decided to just use the commands as stated in my previous post and wrote a function that provides me with raw volume access to the SD Card in Windows.
In this manner, I am able to read the information stored to the SD card (by my micro) in Windows and save it in a text file. Since I am doing a basic data logger, this is good enough for my application. I used the information in , in order to write the code to access the SD Card in windows. Again, thanks to all on this forum as you guys have provided me with useful information in getting my code up and running!