2020-10-19 8:54 AM
I downloaded the en.x-cube-cellular.zip and unziped the folder STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V5.2.0.
I imported the STM32CubeExpansion_CELLULAR_V5.2.0\Projects\STM32L496G_Discovery\Demonstrations\Cellular\IDE\STM32CubeIDE\DiscoL496_RD_BG96v2_STMOD project into the cube IDE and tried to follow the mqtt readme.txt where i have to "Remove 'Exclude from build' option for the following components of the IART project". But i dont finde the "Exclude from build" option.
2020-11-23 4:58 AM
Could sombody give me a least a hint?
2021-04-16 5:56 AM
Did you find an answer? The README makes no sense at all. There are no files to include.
2021-04-21 3:13 AM