2021-02-07 12:35 AM
I am trying to porting Zephyr to my own board which is designed on stm32f429i_disc1.
So I copy the folder zephyr\boards\arm\stm32f429i_disc1 for my porting.
A problem comes up when I am configuring the IO pin for I2C2.
In stm32f429i_disc1.dts, the i2c2 is configured as following.
&i2c2 {
pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_scl_pb10 &i2c2_sda_pb11>;
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = <I2C_BITRATE_FAST>;
But my board uses PH4 and PH5 for I2C2, so I change the config as following.
&i2c2 {
pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_scl_ph4 &i2c2_sda_ph5>;
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = <I2C_BITRATE_FAST>;
when I build it, an error comes up to tell "i2c2_scl_ph4/i2c2_sda_ph5" are not defined.
I did some search but cannot solve the problem, could you please give me a hand?
2021-03-22 1:42 AM
Sorry for late feedback. Please have a new try after running "west update".
Also, if you need support on Zephyr, don't hesitate to join Zephyr Slack channel (you can find the links here: https://zephyrproject.org/contact-us/)
There's a dedicated #stm32 channel where you'll find an active community to provide feedback on zephyr specifics.