2021-11-19 1:39 AM
I am working on Nucleo-h745ziq board. I am working on Azure Rtos Usbx .I have to change the setting of Timebase source but in Nucleo-h745ziq board is default setting how I can change it?
2021-11-19 4:54 AM
Click the down arrow on the right side of the Timebase Source selection box and choose a new one. You will need to enable the corresponding timer first.
If that doesn't work, attach your IOC file.
2021-11-19 5:44 AM
I activated the TIM6 in Cortex M7.And try to select the Timebase Source as TIM6 but all option are disable,only systick is enabled.
2021-11-19 5:51 AM
2021-11-19 5:55 AM
2021-11-19 6:32 AM
Go into TIM6 and assign the timer to the CM7 core.
Go back into SYS and select TIM6 as the time base.
2021-11-19 6:38 AM
you need to choose which equipment will be used by which core. In your scenario, you need to choose from the timer configurations that timer6 will work with Cortex-M7. If you activate the timer, you cannot select the timebase source.
2021-11-19 7:10 AM
I am working on Azure Rtos.I am enable the TIM6 for Particular cortex M7 and after that I try to select the Timebase Source as TIm6 but that option is not enable if I click on TIM6 after that it select the sysytick by default.
2021-11-19 7:12 AM
I follow the procedure that you told me but it not allows me to change the Timebase source.
2021-12-15 7:50 AM
above the screenshot taken from the STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0, it is working fine the TIM6 is used as timebase for CM7