2021-10-08 9:52 AM
I have seen this example project https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/x-cube-azrtos-h7/tree/main/Projects/STM32H747I-DISCO/Applications/ThreadX/Tx_CMSIS_Wrapper but am not sure how to integrate it with my project.
Thanks in advance,
2021-10-26 7:36 AM
Hello @MButsch ,
Have a look at this article How to create a Thread using AzureRTOS and STM32CubeIDE?, and this ST wiki STM32CoreMW overview - stm32mcu
I hope these resources are helpful for you.
If your question is answered, please select the answer as “Best�? as this will help other users to find the answers faster.
2021-11-01 6:05 AM
Thank you for the reply,
Those resources do not address how to integrate the ThreadX CMSIS wrapper though.
2021-11-01 2:02 PM
What if you just add the wrapper file into the project? (e.g. put it into any source folder)