2018-12-13 8:29 AM
I'd like to understand how my application can update the NVM for in field programming. It seems the NVM address range is from 0xC0 to 0xE8 but this isn't shown in the register map published with the software libraries. The datasheet mentions a customer password is needed to program the NVM too.
So I'm looking for three things
1- The NVM register map
2 - Details of how to program it - e.g. to I have to unlock or open it with a command, set a password in a register etc
3 - How many write cycles it will support
Many thanks
2019-02-11 1:54 PM
You can program the NVM for STUSB products with any I2C Master interface.
There is a firmware library which have the specific sequence required to program the NVM.
1- The NVM register map ?
The NVM register map is not available publicly. But the STUSB4500 GUI application has to be used to generate properly the memory map binary (.bin)
2 - Details of how to program it - e.g. to I have to unlock or open it with a command, set a password in a register etc ?
Use the NVM Library (located in STSW-STUSB003 package) to program the NVM with the binary file generated by the GUI.
3 - How many write cycles it will support ?
In the range of 1000 cycles.
But in a typical use case, you only need to program the NVM once.