2021-07-07 1:16 AM
I found examples in STM32CubeIDE but they don't concern the special topic 'Mem', meaning writing device address and internal register address together within one data packet.
2021-07-07 1:47 AM
Hello B_12159,
The HAL and LL are complementary and cover a wide range of application requirements:
But mixed use of low-layer APIs and HAL drivers is possible, several examples showing how to use HAL and LL in the same application are provided within stm32f4 firmware package (refer to Examples_MIX projects).
You can refer to the following user manual for more details (5.2 section) : https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00189702-description-of-stm32f7-hal-and-lowlayer-drivers-stmicroelectronics.pdf
PS: Once your question is answered, please click on "Select as Best" for the comment containing the answer to your initial question.
I would this help you !
Thanks & Regards,
2021-07-07 2:00 AM
Hello Amira, thanks for your answer. Mixing is big problem. I have to choose HAL or LL in CubeIDE. LL is mandatory in my application. Have to fit in motor control application. I already used HAL in this case but it was too slow. Working with MC Workbench stopped.
2021-07-07 8:16 AM
If I'm not wrong, you're using CubeMX to generate your code that's why you cannot MIX HAL & LL drivers ?