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Help for STM32 F767Zi as USB host for mass storage

Associate II

Hi, I am using STM32 F767Zi and tried this tutorial to use it as an USB host ***. I followed the steps but I always end up in Use Case _USER_CLASS_ACTIVE. I tried different USB devices but it's always the same. Does anyone have an idea how I can solve the problem or how I can look for the problem? Thank you!

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Accepted Solutions
Associate II

Have ControllersTech support you?

You have a NUCLEO-F767ZI board OR you have a STM32F767I chip on some other board?

Perhaps look a available USB MSC HOST code in theCubeF7 repository for NUCLEO, DISCO, EVAL boards?


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Associate II

Thank you very much for your answer!

No I just used the tutorial of ControllersTech to set up the project.

I have the Nucleo-F767ZI board.

I am so sorry I have to ask, but I can not figure it out; how do I implement the sample code from CubeF7 into Cube Ide?

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

> how do I implement the sample code from CubeF7 into Cube Ide?

Just use the CubeIDE feature, "import example project". Read the fine CubeIDE manual for details. Make sure to update CubeIDE and the CubeFW_F7 package.

Associate II