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Hello guys, I am working with STM32G0C1RET6. I want to use STM32 as a USB host and want to save data on USB flash stick. I followed some tutorial from ST microcontroller's youtube channel but I am still not able to mount my USB device. what should I do?

Associate III

Here are details about my project:

  • I have connected my USB_DM and USB_DP pin directly to USB connector.
  • I enable A9 and selected as a GPIO output using VBUS setting in CUBEIDE. Which is providing me 3.3V
  • I read that there is inbuilt pull up resistor in STM32G0C1RET6. So, I connected USB connector directly to pins
  • I used "f_mount" function to mount my usb device.

My USB device is using FAT32 format. I AM SORRY if I made some dumb mistake; I am newbie

Muhammed Güler
Senior III

0693W00000NpnHjQAJ.pngIf your USB connection is as above, I recommend that you find the MX_DriverVbusFS function in the usbh_platform.c file and make its content compatible with your power switch IC.

Hiii, thank you so much for suggestion. Is it necessary to set USB connection as you showed in image??

I​ didn't make any connection like that. I just connected USB connector pin to STM32's A9 pin.

A couple of times I accidentaly swapped USB DATA+ and DATA- Lines, double check you didnt do the same.

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

Leave a link to the youtube tutorial youre trying to follow and maybe some pictures of your hardware

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

Hi, thank you so much for reply. No, I made sure that I don't interchange DP and DM lines. Both connections are correct..Here is link of the video I am following:

Sorry but I can't get picture of hardware. Do I need to use "Current limiter power switch"??

When I run program FRESULT shows FR_DISK_ERR. what does that mean?


>>When I run program FRESULT shows FR_DISK_ERR. what does that mean?

Means your DISKIO layer isn't working, fix that first.

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Okay. I will update after fixing this. Thank you so much.

Do I need to use "current limiter switch" as shown in below diagram OR I can just directly connect STM32 pin with USB connector??

During the installation phase, the power of the usb disk needs to be cut and re-applied. It is necessary for safety to have current limitation, but you must use a switch

Muhammed Güler
Senior III

You can use STMPS2141 as switch. I also recommend adding a protection element such as USBLC6-2SC6 to the USB data line.​