2024-01-28 10:29 PM
Hello. I want to use raw ethernet with HAL API. Is there any example for it ? I dont want to use LWIP, just raw ethernet frames and communicate between 2 board. Any example for guide could help me alot
2024-01-29 05:33 AM
Hello @embeddedGeek ,
Unfortunately there is not an example using the raw HAL API to establish a communication so you need to develop your proper software to do so ,and this will be quite challenging without any middleware .
2024-01-29 05:50 AM
I want to do a similar thing myself at some point, looking at the headers in the HAL ETH driver, it looks like there is a lot to know... :( watching thread with interest
2024-01-29 04:14 PM
Bring more popcorn ! ))