2023-11-30 10:58 PM
Is it possible to disable a specific GPIO interrupt in my code and re-enable it after some time. HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ(EXTI4_15_IRQn) this function will help but this will disable all the GPIO pins connected to that particular EXTI line. Any other possible ways I can implement?
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2023-12-01 12:08 PM
2023-11-30 11:16 PM
Which STM32?
In most STM32 the individual EXTI interrupts are enabled/disabled in the EXTI_IMR register, see EXTI chapter in Reference Manual (RM).
2023-12-01 1:13 AM - edited 2023-12-01 1:13 AM
I am using STM32G474RCT6 controller.
Should I need to make changes in the EXTI_IMR register. Or are there any HAL functions I can use to Implement this. Currently I could be able to disable EXTI15_10_IRQn which disables all the GPIOs connected to this line.
2023-12-01 2:01 AM
I don't use Cube/HAL.
I've seen in the past users to perform the same operation as when initializing the pin, just without the interrupt being set.
2023-12-01 2:31 AM
Hello @Sri_Nishanth
According to the reference manual, EXTI line dedicated to 10->15 are regrouped in one vector in NVIC controller. So, using CMSIS, this should not be possible. Maybe, we can implement this operation in HAL driver using directly EXTI_IMR. I will forward the request to dedicated team.
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2023-12-01 3:08 AM
2023-12-01 12:08 PM
You can use LL_EXTI_EnableIT_0_31() and LL_EXTI_DisableIT_0_31()
2023-12-03 9:20 PM
This worked:grinning_face::handshake:
2024-08-13 7:56 PM - edited 2024-08-13 8:51 PM
Thanks for the solution. When calling for example:
LL_EXTI_EnableIT_0_31(uint32_t EXTI_Line);
how do the individual "EXTI_Line"s map to specific GPIO ports and pins? I see "lines" referenced in the reference manual, but I don't understand the mapping.
EDIT: I may have found the mapping on page 271. It seems that, for example:
will disable the interrupts on pin 3 of ALL ports. Is that right?
2024-08-15 12:30 AM
These are two different things.
First comes the multiplexer controlled by SYSCFG register, which selects, which port's pin is used for that particular EXTIn, n = 0..15.
Then output of that multiplexer enters EXTI module and you can then there enable/disable individual EXTI in the EXTI_IMR register, see EXTI chapter in Reference Manual (RM). That's what those LL functions/macros do.
Cube/LL is open source, so you can look up yourself what the macros/functions do.