2024-06-12 2:55 AM - edited 2024-06-12 3:05 AM
I'm trying to achieve a UDP communication with STM32H753IIT6 and LAN8720A.
I use STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0.
According to the ST Ethernet and LwIP example: Adam BERLINGER edited on 2023-12-07 , I create a project, and change the pin layout according to my PCB design.
In the .ioc, I set the ip addrass as and I did the other things described in the ST example, except for
Everything's fine at this point : I can ping and get replies.
Then I want to send some simple Hello UDP messages as the ST Ethernet and LwIP example describe.
However, after I Modify the StartDefaultTask in main.c , I can't ping the device and get some debug information from uart :
How to deal with "core lock " in the debug information ?
This is the StartDefaultTask code modifyied:
void StartDefaultTask(void *argument)
/* init code for LWIP */
/* USER CODE BEGIN StartDefaultTask */
const char* message = "Hello UDP message!\n\r";
ip_addr_t PC_IPADDR;
IP_ADDR4(&PC_IPADDR, 192, 168, 0, 1);
struct udp_pcb* my_udp = udp_new();
udp_connect(my_udp, &PC_IPADDR, 55151);
struct pbuf* udp_buffer = NULL;
/* Infinite loop */
for (;;) {
/* !! PBUF_RAM is critical for correct operation !! */
udp_buffer = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, strlen(message), PBUF_RAM);
if (udp_buffer != NULL) {
memcpy(udp_buffer->payload, message, strlen(message));
udp_send(my_udp, udp_buffer);
/* USER CODE END StartDefaultTask */
2024-06-21 3:03 AM
Hello @Hamaos ,
Try to add the following:
these macros and prototypes are for proper multithreading support
add in your ethernetif.c the following:
/* ETH_CODE: macro and prototypes for proper (hopefuly?)
* multithreading support
#define LOCK_TCPIP_CORE sys_lock_tcpip_core
#define UNLOCK_TCPIP_CORE sys_unlock_tcpip_core
#define LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED sys_check_core_locking
#define LWIP_MARK_TCPIP_THREAD sys_mark_tcpip_thread
void sys_lock_tcpip_core(void);
void sys_unlock_tcpip_core(void);
void sys_check_core_locking(void);
void sys_mark_tcpip_thread(void);
/* ETH_CODE: add functions needed for proper multithreading support and check */
static osThreadId_t lwip_core_lock_holder_thread_id;
static osThreadId_t lwip_tcpip_thread_id;
void sys_lock_tcpip_core(void){
lwip_core_lock_holder_thread_id = osThreadGetId();
void sys_unlock_tcpip_core(void){
lwip_core_lock_holder_thread_id = 0;
void sys_check_core_locking(void){
/* Embedded systems should check we are NOT in an interrupt context here */
LWIP_ASSERT("Function called from interrupt context", (SCB->ICSR & SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk) == 0);
if (lwip_tcpip_thread_id != 0) {
osThreadId_t current_thread_id = osThreadGetId();
LWIP_ASSERT("Function called without core lock", current_thread_id == lwip_core_lock_holder_thread_id);
/* ETH_CODE: to easily check that example has correct handling of core lock
* This will trigger breakpoint (__BKPT)
#warning Below check should be removed in production code
if(current_thread_id != lwip_core_lock_holder_thread_id) __BKPT(0);
LWIP_ASSERT("Function called from wrong thread", current_thread_id == lwip_tcpip_thread_id);
LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(current_thread_id); /* for LWIP_NOASSERT */
void sys_mark_tcpip_thread(void){
lwip_tcpip_thread_id = osThreadGetId();
Hope this helps you.