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For the STM32H747i evaluation board, is there any specific hardware changes needed for working ethernet?

Associate III

I have followed the driections from here to set up my project using ethernet. However, I do not get any response that the ethernet application is even running. I have tried pinging the set ipaddress of the board given in the description. I'm on Ubuntu 18.04. My ethernet connection status shows connected in network manager. Running an ifconfig shows the static address I set for connecting to the board.

I have in a second task for the freeRTOS to have LED1 on board blink. Inside a second task designated as the udp task, I have a separate LED toggling as well. The first LED toggles as expected, but in the udp task, the LED2 is not blinking. I can get it to Blink if I remove the udpSend command. I'd like to verify that there is not any specific hardware setup with the board that I'm missing. From UM2525 it seems I just can set JP5, which I left as default.

I have also run "nmap -sP 192.168.0/24" in a terminal to check for any other devices on that network with zero results turned up. The DCHP is disabled on the board and IPv4 set to The static IP of the laptop is

I have the board directly connected to my PC with an ethernet cable and statically set my computer IPv4 address to communicate with the board. Anything else?


Accepted Solutions
Associate III

Short Answer, Yes. Set JP5 to Crystal Oscillator.

Follow the directions from the linked post.

Also, use RMII for the ethernet protocol, in case that was not known from UM2525. Under RCC, no need to disable or bypass HSE or LSE. Just use the crystal oscillators on board and enable Master Clock Output 1.

I have noticed that I can get the udp functionality to run by setting JP5 to MCO, but then I lose connection to the board. Putting the Jumper back on the crystal as the clock source, I get connection the board again, but the UDP functionality will not work. There has to be something seriously wrong in the API for this to happen.

View solution in original post

Associate III

Short Answer, Yes. Set JP5 to Crystal Oscillator.

Follow the directions from the linked post.

Also, use RMII for the ethernet protocol, in case that was not known from UM2525. Under RCC, no need to disable or bypass HSE or LSE. Just use the crystal oscillators on board and enable Master Clock Output 1.

I have noticed that I can get the udp functionality to run by setting JP5 to MCO, but then I lose connection to the board. Putting the Jumper back on the crystal as the clock source, I get connection the board again, but the UDP functionality will not work. There has to be something seriously wrong in the API for this to happen.