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Firmware Update on STM32L4S9ZITx with bootloader and dual bank firmware

Associate III

Hi, I'm having trouble getting my application to run at a different firmware address.  The end goal is to be able to have the application running, receive new firmware over the UART.  The new firmware will be saved higher in Flash (0x08100000, LENGTH = 992K).  On reset the bootloader will check this location for newer valid firmware, if valid move it to Bank1 (0x08008000, LENGTH = 1008K ) and run from Bank1.  If the firmware isn't new, just run from Bank1.

Something things that may be relevant is the real application is using FreeRTOS and TouchGFX.  For testing I just have an LED blink app.

In the debugger settings for the bootloader application I added the blink LED application under the "startup" tab.  I'm flashing the firmware with the debugger.

Also, the LED does blink, even though the app reset values don't match.  So I'm not sure yet if I'm chasing the correct issue, or the LED blink app is simple enough that it doesn't crash.  My real app ends up with a hard fault when I jump to reset handler.  So that's why I'm wondering if something isn't lining up correct at that step.  In the linker file I have added some meta data for firmware values.  The complete files are attached.

The LED blink app I have changed:

The linker file (FLASH.ld) 



/* Memories definition */



BOOTLOADER (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 16K /* Bootloader size */

CURRENT_FW (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08008000, LENGTH = 1008K /* Current Firmware size */

NEW_FW (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08100000, LENGTH = 992K /* New Firmware size */

RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 640K

RAM2 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 64K

RAM3 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20040000, LENGTH = 384K





The system_stm32, I uncommented the line #define USER_VECT_TAB_ADDRESS. The section is below.



/* Note: Following vector table addresses must be defined in line with linker

 configuration. */

/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate the vector table

 anywhere in Flash or Sram, else the vector table is kept at the automatic

remap of boot address selected */



/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table

 in Sram else user remap will be done in Flash. */

/* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */

#if defined(VECT_TAB_SRAM)

#define VECT_TAB_BASE_ADDRESS SRAM1_BASE /*!< Vector Table base address field.

 This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */

#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00000000U /*!< Vector Table base offset field.

 This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */


#define VECT_TAB_BASE_ADDRESS FLASH_BASE /*!< Vector Table base address field.

 This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */

#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00000000U /*!< Vector Table base offset field.

 This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */

#endif /* VECT_TAB_SRAM */




In the .h I set



#define FLASH_BASE (0x08008000UL) /*!< FLASH(up to 2 MB) base address */



The bootloader linker file I changed:


  RAM    (xrw)    : ORIGIN = 0x20000000,   LENGTH = 640K
  RAM2   (xrw)    : ORIGIN = 0x10000000,   LENGTH = 64K
  RAM3   (xrw)    : ORIGIN = 0x20040000,   LENGTH = 384K
  FLASH  (rx)     : ORIGIN = 0x08000000,   LENGTH = 16K /* Bootloader region */



The bootloader jump to application function I added comments for the values. The one that seems to be the red flag is the .map file shows

Reset Handler should be at 0x080081bc but the value in the function is 0x80081bd


// Jump to application firmware
void jump_to_firmware(uint32_t firmware_address) {
    // Disable interrupts
	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   	   //CURRENT_FW_START = Hex:0x8008000
	uint32_t initial_sp = *(volatile uint32_t *)CURRENT_FW_START; //initial_sp =Hex:0x200a0000     // Should point to stack pointer (e.g., 0x20020000)

    // Set the vector table base address to the firmware's vector table
    SCB->VTOR = firmware_address;  //VTOR = Hex:0x8008000

    // Set the stack pointer to the application's initial stack pointer
    __set_MSP(*(volatile uint32_t *)firmware_address);  // firmware_address=Hex:0x8008000

    // Get the application's reset vector (entry point)
    uint32_t app_reset_handler = *(volatile uint32_t *)(CURRENT_FW_START + 4); // Should be 0x080081BC

    // Re-enable interrupts

    // Jump to the application's reset handler
    ((void (*)(void))app_reset_handler)();  // app_reset_handler=0x80081bd 
    /* 				The .map file the Reset Handler should be at 0x080081bc
 .isr_vector    0x08008000      0x1bc ./Core/Startup/startup_stm32l4s9zitx.o
                0x08008000                g_pfnVectors
                0x080081bc       0x50 ./Core/Startup/startup_stm32l4s9zitx.o
                0x080081bc                Reset_Handler


Is it OK the reset handler addresses don't match and my issue is something else going on

with my real code? Do I need to do something different with the linker file to get the address to match before I start

trying my real code?

Thanks for looking at this.

Associate III

Update #1.  Looking at Cube programmer the memory location (0x08008000+4) shows 0x080081BD.  Which matches the value for "app_reset_handler" when debugging.

I'm not understanding the value in the .map file showing the reset handler at 0x080081bc? 

Update #2. In the system_stm32l4xx.c for the application I changed the FLASH_BASE back to 0x0.  And changed the offset to 8000.

#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET         0x00008000U     /*!< Vector Table base offset field.
                                                     This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */

The Bootloader jumps to the Blink Led application and runs, but the real application fails I'm wondering if the problem is with interupts, FreeRTOS, or TouchGFX?

Any idea's why a simple blink app launches from bootloader but the actual app goes to a hard fault?
