2025-01-27 10:00 PM - last edited on 2025-01-28 1:29 AM by Saket_Om
write successfully but read not working . and show fail to find file in fatfs spi flash using stmcube and w25q64
void test_fatfs(void) {
printf("Mounting filesystem...\n");
fres = f_mount(&fs, "0:", 1);
if (fres != FR_OK) {
printf("Failed to mount filesystem: %d\n", fres);
printf("Filesystem mounted successfully\n");
// Open file for writing
fres = f_open(&file, "test.txt", FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS);
if (fres != FR_OK) {
printf("Failed to open file for writing: %d\n", fres);
printf("File opened for writing\n");
// Write to file
UINT bytes_written;
fres = f_write(&file, "text\r\n", 6, &bytes_written);
if (fres != FR_OK || bytes_written < 6) {
printf("Failed to write to file: %d\n", fres);
printf("Data written to file successfully\n");
// Synchronize filesystem
fres = f_sync(&file);
if (fres != FR_OK) {
printf("Failed to sync filesystem after writing: %d\n", fres);
fres = f_close(&file);
if (fres != FR_OK) {
printf("Failed to close file after writing: %d\n", fres);
printf("File successfully closed after writing\n"); // working thiss
// Verify file exists
// FILINFO fno;
// fres = f_stat("test.txt", &fno);
// if (fres == FR_OK) {
// printf("File exists, size: %lu bytes\n", fno.fsize);
// } else {
// printf("Failed to find file: %d\n", fres); // failed here. fail to find :4
// return;
// }
// Open file for reading
fres = f_open(&file, "test.txt", FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
if (fres != FR_OK) {
printf("Failed to open file for reading: %d\n", fres);
printf("File opened for reading\n");
// Read from file
UINT bytes_read;
fres = f_read(&file, buf, 6, &bytes_read);
if (fres != FR_OK || bytes_read < 6) {
printf("Failed to read from file: %d\n", fres);
buf[6] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the buffer
printf("Data read from file: %s\n", buf);
// Close file
fres = f_close(&file);
if (fres != FR_OK) {
printf("Failed to close file after reading: %d\n", fres);
printf("File successfully closed after reading\n");
using nucleo board f302r8 and w25q64 , spi flash using fatfs
2025-01-28 12:48 AM
Please see the forum guidelines How to write your question to maximize your chances to find a solution for how to properly post source code, and and other details needed to help people answer.
2025-01-28 1:35 AM
Hello @NOVAL_______BOBY
Could you please check opening the file for reading with the flag "FA_READ"?
fres = f_open(&file, "test.txt", FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING);