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Execute code from external SRAM (STM32F429I-Discovery)



I want to build a bootloader (FLASH Memory) for (STM32F429I-Discovery) that loads via USB a binary application and downloads it to the external SRAM. Then the CPU jumps to run instructions from external SRAM.

It is this possible? I don't find any example on the internet.

Thank you!


>>It is this possible?


>>I don't find any example on the internet.

Not everything that's possible is prepackaged on the internet.

Configure the SDRAM as you would do normally.

My recollection is that you either need to configure the MPU to allow code execution from 0xD0000000, or you remap the 0xD0000000 space to 0xC0000000 on the FMC

Control transfer on the MCU works exactly as it normally does.

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Might add that it's apt to run slower, as the SDRAM isn't cached, and has relatively high latency in random-access

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I know, but I just want to use SDRAM to preserve flash memory lifetime. My apps that will be loaded on SDRAM are not critical, they are more for teaching purposes. Also my approach was to write an interpreter in flash memory and only data in SDRAM.