2022-03-11 1:46 AM
I've been using the STM32H7 example which uses the new reworked Ethernet driver (https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH7).
Changed the application layer of the example (LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS) and during larger transfers, the DMA error (ETH_DMACSR_RBU) occurs and simultaneously Wireshark shows that the communication has issues (retransmissions, tcp window full) and the communication stops for a while.
Code below is located in the ethernetif.c file.
* @brief Ethernet DMA transfer error callback
* @param heth: ETH handle
* @retval None
void HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)
SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "DMA error occurred! %d\n",HAL_ETH_GetDMAError(heth) );
SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "DMA error occurred - releasing semaphore \n");
Here is the Wireshark picture which shows the issue:
How can this be fixed?
It causes the low throughput which is a big problem for our use case.
If this is an issue with the driver, what version to use then?
The important project files are in the attachment.
Can you please give a suggestion on what might be the issue.
2022-06-13 11:28 PM
I got stuck in the same situation. Under stress-test I get ETH_DMACSR_RBU (Rx DMA error) after a few minutes of operation. HAL driver code is a newest from STM32 github.com page. An ethernetif.c is also taken from recent H7 example. Just recreating DMX descriptors table doesn't help.
My error callback:
void HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)
printf( "ETH DMA Rx Error\n" );
heth->Instance->DMACSR = ETH_DMACSR_RBU;
// Resume DMA reception
heth->Instance->DMACRDTPR = 0;
printf( "ETH DMA Tx Error\n" );
//Clear TBU flag to resume processing
heth->Instance->DMACSR = ETH_DMACSR_TBU;
//Instruct the DMA to poll the transmit descriptor list
heth->Instance->DMACTDTPR = 0;
According to all sources I found reset of DMACSR and DMACRDTPR/ETH_DMACSR_TBU should resume DMA controller, but it is not.
2022-06-23 6:05 AM
Hi ktrofimo,
I managed to remove the issue with the stalling by modifying the lwipopts.h file, more
Modified the TCP_WND which is the tcp receive window. If set to high the download will be quicker but it can stall.
Maybe there is a disbalance of the send and receive.
Also, I increased the TCP_SND_BUF.
Here are my settings:
#define TCP_MSS (1500 - 40) /* TCP_MSS = (Ethernet MTU - IP header size - TCP header size) */
/* TCP sender buffer space (bytes). */
#define TCP_SND_BUF (12*TCP_MSS)
/* TCP_SND_QUEUELEN: TCP sender buffer space (pbufs). This must be at least
as much as (2 * TCP_SND_BUF/TCP_MSS) for things to work. */
/* TCP receive window. */
#define TCP_WND (6*TCP_MSS)
2022-06-23 6:28 AM
Regarding to DMA error I also found that code:
heth->Instance->DMACSR = ETH_DMACSR_TBU;
heth->Instance->DMACTDTPR = 0;
shouldn't be called from within interrupt causing DMA failures as soon you stop at any breakpoint. (see discussion at https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH7/issues/222#issuecomment-1159086674)
Also ethernet transmit could hang on osSemaphoreAcquire( TxPktSemaphore ) inside low_level_output()
Looks like this semaphore should be cleared at DMA error same way as RxPktSemaphore is cleared there already:
void HAL_ETH_ErrorCallback(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth)
// ETH DMA Rx Error
+ {
+ // ETH DMA Tx Error\n" );
+ osSemaphoreRelease(TxPktSemaphore);
+ }
See https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH7/issues/224
I will check your lwIP settings and will see how it goes. Thanks!
2022-07-01 1:21 AM
Can You try to increase buffers in the ethernetif.c on line 47:
#define ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 1000
change it to 1536
2022-07-01 1:24 AM
Have it by default from CubeIDE set as 1524. Will set it to 1536 and try again.
2022-07-01 8:12 AM
1524 does not have the correct alignment. 1536 is multiple of 512 bytes, and multiple of the cache line size.
2022-07-04 1:05 AM
Rx buffer size 1524 is actually aligned by 32bits and size of buffer is increased to 1536 bytes in ethernetif.c:
uint8_t buff[(ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE + 31) & ~31] __ALIGNED(32);
2022-08-01 7:29 AM
if I try 1524 or 1536 ethernet ping and http stop working.
Has anyone tried with different values of ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE?
2022-08-01 5:27 PM
>How can this be fixed?
RM0433 rev 7 page 2809:
"In the Suspend state, the DMA tries to acquire the descriptor again (and thereby return
to step 3). A poll demand command is triggered by writing any value to the Channel Tx
descriptor tail pointer register (ETH_DMACTXDTPR) when it receives a Transmit Poll
demand and the Underflow Interrupt Status bit is cleared. If the application stopped the
DMA by clearing Bit 0 of Transmit control register of corresponding DMA channel, the
DMA enters the Stop state."
RM0433 rev 7 page 2872:
"If the descriptors are not owned by the DMA (or no descriptor is available), the DMA
goes into Suspend state. The transmission or reception can be resumed by freeing the
descriptors and writing the ETH_DMACTXDTPR (see Channel Tx descriptor tail
pointer register (ETH_DMACTXDTPR) and ETH_DMACRXDTPR (see Channel Rx
descriptor tail pointer register (ETH_DMACRXDTPR))."
At https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000C6eNNSSQ2/bug-fixes-stm32h7-ethernet I'd recommended using RBU. But if receive buffers can often be exhausted (and presumably no memory can be spared for more) the additional RBU handling will only waste cycles. Instead you might