2021-12-09 5:42 AM
I have devlopment board Nucleo - F410RB( STM32F410 Microcontroller), Now I working on bootloader Host side application.
But I facing I Issues When My flash is blank(fully erased). And I want to enter but mode but bootloader not give any response.
I give following step to enter boot mode
1) Boot0 pin give High
2) Reset pin give High to low pulse (if the unit is not powered off the problem is not seen)
than response not come from bootloader.
This issue come only my flash is blank,
programmed flash working well without any issue.
Empty flash need a power on reset to enter boot mode ?
What is difference Power on reset and reset using Reset pin.?
So give me help
2021-12-09 5:47 AM
Reset while holding BOOT0 high to enter bootloader mode. You don't need to power cycle.
What response are you looking for?
Ensure only the bootloader interface you're using is active. When the bootloader detects one interface, it stops listening to other interfaces.
2021-12-09 5:55 AM
i give 0x7F than bootloader give response 0x79
this 0x79 not come if my flash is blank (fully erased)
this 0x79 come if my flash is not blank(previously Programmed.
2021-12-09 5:58 AM
i use uart interfaces. and i successfully perform all bootloader cmd .
but this issue come if my flash is blank and reset give on reset pin without power on and off
2021-12-09 7:41 AM
And how is PB2 (= BOOT1) connected?
2021-12-09 9:17 PM
BOOT1 (PB2) not connected(open Connection)
which connection required for Boot1(PB2) pin ?
please help me
2021-12-10 6:25 AM
Read AN2606.